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**The scene begins in David B.s hospital room. Go figure, right? Richard B. is here, sitting in a chair next to the bed. He’s got a book in one hand and a soda in the other. He actually appears to be calm, which is quite different than his most recent actions. He looks up and notices the camera, putting the book and soda on a table next to his seat. He then sits back and folds his arms, still looking calm as ever.**

Richard: It’s rather pathetic anymore. People coming in, wrestling ONE match, then think that they’ve proven themselves worthy of a title shot. What title they don’t care, so long as they get a title shot. Some of us come in, and don’t get a title shot for weeks .. Even months. But one such person has long ago proven that he’s worthy of a title shot. I’ve busted my ass to get where I am today. Only one step away from the grand slam. All this man needs is the heavyweight title and, in due time, I will claim the biggest prize in the game.

Until such a time comes, I feel it necessary to step up. I feel it necessary to put certain people in their place. People like Afwa Kilimanjaro. This is a man that has JUST debuted. He won that debut, and for that I congratulate him. But for his ‘because I won, I deserve a title shot’ attitude, he’s obviously got a lot to learn. I dominated Bo Oliver in my debut match. Did that make me worthy of a title match? I defeated one half of the then tag strap holders, but did I instantly say I deserve a title shot? No. Why? Because I am one of few people who understand that you have to EARN your keep. I understand that in order to get to the top of the mountain, you have to climb it first.

Luke Sampson and Afwa Kilimanjaro are two that can’t … or won’t … understand that. So, it’s time for someone to step up and put these bozos in their place. What better man to do that … then me? What better way to open their eyes to the truth? And to add insult to injury, a submission match. Lava Crush vs. BullsEye. Which one will be broken first? Which wrestler will have the most determination? I’ve shown everyone over the course of a year and a half that I’m determined to climb my way to the top of the mountain. I’ve scratched and clawed to get to where I am, and I’ll be damned if some sumo punk is gonna get in my way now.

I’ve been in and out of action with the NAWF. I’ve been in and out of surgeries … in and out of rehab … I return, only to see a man that can’t even speak proper English claim that he’s gonna tare through the NAWF like a hot knife through butter. Ok, so those weren’t his exact words. But then again, who could understand his exact words? No one. That’s why he has this Luke Sampson do all his talking for him. Who knows, after Afwa feels the effects of the deadliest submission hold in the NAWF, maybe his pathetic little agent will be next.

**Richard stands up and walks over to the window, where he stands with his back to the camera. Looking out the window over the hospital parking lot, he continues … **

Richard: Some may not agree with what I’m doing. Some may say that I need to stay by my brothers side while he’s in this coma. There’s two things that those people don’t understand. First of all, I have bills just like any other human being. I’ve been out of work for nearly five months now. That’s five months of bills coming in, but no paycheck to support those bills. I had to return to work, and why not return to the job that I love the most? Professional wrestling IS my life. Nothing will ever change that.

The second thing that people can’t seem to understand is … I REFUSE to stand idly by while some NAWF newbie talks about how great he is. Or, in this case, how some agent talks about how great his client is. Nobody … and I mean NOBODY can just walk into a job and expect to go straight to the top. It’s the same way in ALL work environments. A teenager can’t walk into the local McDonalds and demand to be manager, and actually get it. Someone fresh out of law school can’t up and start their own law firm. The same thing is true for Afwa Kilimanjaro. I don’t care how great he THINKS he are. I don’t care how quickly he THINKS he deserve a title shot. Bottom line is … I’m the closest thing he’s gonna get at a title shot right now. If … that’s IF he can defeat me, then sure .. He deserves a shot at some sorta gold. I have a LOT more wins on my record than loses. I’ve won more gold around here than he can DREAM of. I’ve proven that I’m worthy of a title shot. I’ve proven that I’m worthy to BE a champion. I’ve proven everyone wrong about so many things in my career it’s pathetic.

Every time I walk to that ring, those fans completely support me. Why? Because they love me? Because they think I’m the best in the business? No. The fans support me because of what I’ve accomplished. They support me because I realize that there are still obstacles in my path. They support me, because I realize that I won’t be able to over come all of those obstacles by myself. I realize that I won’t win EVERY match. As long as I go out there and, despite my injuries, give a hundred percent, the fans will ALWAYS support me. These are things that Afwa and Sampson need to learn, and they need to learn them quickly.

If Afwa is able to defeat me … a man only one title away from the grand slam … then I support his theory that he deserves a title shot. But Afwa, in order for you to beat me, you have to be better than me. Now, you’ve never seen me in action. For you, or Luke, to say that you ARE better than me is just plain ignorant. It’s being self centered. AND … it’s down right stupid.

This, Afwa, will be your first true lesson. This Sunday will be your first real chance to prove yourself worthy to be an NAWF champ. This Sunday, Afwa, will be one of the toughest fought battles you’ve EVER seen. I say this, not because I think it to be the truth. I say it, because it IS the truth. I can’t guarantee that I’ll win. I can’t guarantee that I’ll break that Lava Crush. Just as you can’t guarantee that you’re gonna win. And you can’t guarantee that you’ll break the BullsEye.

**Richard then turns around and looks at his brother, but never misses a beat.**

Richard: Afwa, maybe no one has ever broken your Lava Crush. No one has ever broken the BullsEye. They’re obviously both extreme submission holds. But … there’s a saying that will ALWAYS stand true, no matter what the situation is. This Sunday, maybe that saying will live up to it’s reputation. Maybe it won’t. Neither of us will know until we get there.

**Richard now returns to his seat, sitting back and folding his arms once again.**

Richard: Afwa, I wish you nothing but the best in your future with the NAWF. I hope you stick around long enough to see that what I say is true. To realize that in order to have fan support, you need to realize the truth. In order to have the respect of the roster, you need to be honest in everything you do.

And, IF I break the Lava Crush … or if you break the BullsEye … realize, Afwa … that there really is … a first time for everything.

**Richard then picks up his book again, and doesn’t give the camera a second thought. Now we fade…**