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The Ramblings of Nancy

Hmm...lets start at the beginning....a very good place to start...when you read you begin with abc, when you...wait...why the Hell am I singing something form the Sound of Music? Lets see name is Nancy in case your dumb and didn't catch the title of the page, I am 19, soon to be 20. I am also addicted to Sailor Moon, and anything with wings *insert mad giggling* Cause they go flap flap

Lets on the links...they are pretty self explanitory. Enjoy your stay, and may the Goddess shine your path for you

Some cool links

Midnight Whispers
Phoenix Flames
Sailor Moon Page
My Friend Whose Name Will Not Be Mentioned
My Vampire Family, Pt 1
My Vampire Family, Pt 2
My Vampire Family, Pt 3
My Quizzes