21st Century Mystical Art


Arcanumism (arcane + mysticism): used to describe a method of artistic expression wherein there are four styles of communicating the mystical aesthetic.

Imbued = from the imagination; imaginary, newly inspired.

Altered = that which exists is changed to emphasize the context.

Portrayed = that which is representational, as moving towards symbolic; a found object of significance.

Transferred = where the work is an existing form(s), or object(s), utilized as a metaphor; metaphorical.

The last category best describes a majority of installations. The axiom, "A thought is a thing and a mood is a place" is the key combining both physical reality and the mystical quality. It is inherent in the hidden unity of Middle-Eastern mysticism and Western occultism.

If one's purpose is to connect with a particular culture, one must use the symbols that are inherent in the group mind. - Zoharo DeTafalla-

(See Arts Dialogue - December, 1995 - p.9 & 10.)
Arts Dialogue, Dintel 20, NL 7333 MC, Apeldoorn, The Netherlands
email: bafa@bahai-library.com

Glass eye - as an example of
"portrayed" arcanumism