"We cherish the hope that this website may contribute to a new global perspective,
which may help reconcile and mitigate the severity of the conflicts among religions."
- Juel Pettersen -

(Click on images to enlarge.)
The Mystery of 2520
by Juel Pettersen

as edited by Zoharo DeTafalla from "Religions Are One"
"Artist Juel Pettersen was a beloved contributing member of Millennial Mystics."- Zoharo -

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all monotheistic religions are created equal.

Will you not also, when you realize that their coordinates and orbits were framed in the Torah by the famed numerical time projections of  Daniel the Prophet?


Would you not at least be impressed to know that Daniel's much debated numerical arrows hit, with  bulls eye perfection, each interval among these six religious advents?  Placed in the quiver of his titanic verses, many centuries prior to hitting their targets, his numbers were expressed in the respective calendar system of the religion which each arrow did hit.


Herein are presented the COORDINATES AND CYCLES OF THE SIX MIDDLE EASTERN RELIGIONS IN THE GALAXY OF TIME, as they were expressed in the time prophetic verses of the Torah, especially by Daniel, the Prophet.  It establishes the full and detailed evidence of a discovery which is a tool for the navigation of human hearts and imagination toward the shores of universal agreement and reconciliation in the field of religion.

This discovery does not seek to convert, but rather to convey the existence and reality of the galaxy of which each religion is a perfect sun.  The discovery rescues the viewer, however, from having to fight or reject other suns. While it is forgivable to presume, for a while, that we on our planet are in the center of the universe, or our sun is the only sun, it is no longer interesting to fight over the fact that we live in an entire galaxy of worlds, worlds that are wonderful and inscrutable to us.

This discovery does not diminish any of the claims to uniqueness and ultimate truth, which each of these religions do foster, any more than each wave upon an ocean can be denied the right to claim unique oneness with that ocean. This discovery does not deprive any religion of its right to pronounce authentic association with that ocean's power, will and spirit. Each wave does that. Although no two waves can be alike, each one is a perfect and unique expression of the ocean. All that this discovery does is to shift the view finder from each wave unto the Ocean itself, and to the biblical coordinates which miraculously preexisted these waves before they were raised and sent out upon the sea of history.

What Galileo saw could not be seen a thousand years before him and what we can see and understand today, through the prism of these discoveries could not be seen two thousand years ago on the shores of Lake Galilee. But the Global paradigm - the mandate to embrace all religions in a perfect sense of friendship, unity and reconciliation, - this mandate was hidden, veiled and prepared for us in the Old Testament, within its time prophetic verses, only to be unraveled in our own day and age. Just exactly when we need this the most, in the Middle East and in every American City, because every American city is a microcosm of the Middle East, this discovery has been made so simple to attain that every child can recognize it.

This discovery of global coordination of religions, will serve as a tool for peace and reconciliation. Armed with this discovery, American cities will be capable, instead of dragging the Middle Eastern crisis to these American shores, they will be able to aid through education their mother-faiths in Israel and Palestine to see each other as what they really are, - Waves of One Sea, - waves that are destined to end their tragic tempest. And when the sun will break through the dense clouds, they are destined to see their religions as = suns of one and the same galaxy!



70 WEEK and 490 YEARS.  (Daniel.)

THE DISCOVERY OF THIS VERY FIRST TIME PROJECTION OF THE OLD TESTAMENT, from 456 BC to 33 AD, led to a prominent search in the western world for what the other time projections might target. Some of the founders and the first presidents of these United States (John Quincy Adams) and the Ivy League Universities, (Burr, a.o.) as well as members of Parliament in Britain in the 1840's (Drummond) led in the search to unravel this mystery. 

There is only a mere handful or so of such messianic time projections in the bible, and they are all compiled and dealt with very extensively in L. E. FROOM: "The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers." (Look them all up in the index, Vol. III, p, 798, under the entry  "Prophetic Periods of the Bible," or see copy of this page below.)

The discovery 2000 years ago that "The Messiah shall be cut off in 490 years," fulfilled in 33 AD, initiated an intense Christian search for the meaning behind the other time projections of the Torah. This search was led by the most prominent and preeminent leaders in church, state and government, and over the centuries, big battles were fought in books, news papers and even in the streets over this fascinating quest. By the time America was established, this search became one of the prime passions of the presidents and founders of the Ivy League Universities, and even one American president, who took the issue to the US Congress in the 1840`s.

The complete list of the Time Prophetic Periods in the Bible, as collected by the only complete compilation in existence, FROOM: "The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers."
Ref. 1:   L. E. Froom: "The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers."
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Ref. 2:    Baha'u'llah, in the Sacred Book of the sixth world religion from the Middle East, [the Kitab-i-Aqdas, p.153,] creates "the scale of inheritance" from the very same numbers of time prophecies which pertain to Judaism (2520),  Christianity (42), and Islam (60) respectively, and these numbers form this equation:  2520=42x60, which is precisely the formula for the inheritance scale of the 'Aqdas.'. (See post script below.)
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We are not sure what our mothers were doing then, but it is quite clear what our fathers did find out, and what they did not manage then to find out:  a graphic image on the 19th Century Christian consensus.
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In "FROOM" (four volumes) All the prophetic periods of the Bible are compiled. These happen to capture the INTERVALS among the six monotheistic religions from the Middle East.  The graphic image on the congruent silhouettes of the biblical time projections and the historic tidal waves of the six monotheistic religions from the Middle East upon the canvas of history!
The CONGRUENCE CHART combining this extraordinary correlation in human history: The complete agreement between the intervals among our religions and the famed time projections from the Bible. A PERFECT CONGRUENCE IS ESTABLISHED!
(Click on image to enlarge.)
The GRAPH of HISTORICAL SYMMETRY of the most well known religions from the Middle East.
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The GRAPH of DIGITAL SYMMETRY of the two Christian empires, as inscribed by the Zoroastrian and the Christian calendar systems.
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(Click on image to enlarge.)

This discovery does not seek to convert, but rather to convey the existence and reality of the galaxy of which each religion is a perfect sun.  The discovery rescues the viewer, however, from having to fight or reject other suns. While it is forgivable to presume, for a while, that we on our planet are in the center of the universe, or our sun is the only sun, it is no longer interesting to fight over the fact that we live in an entire galaxy of worlds, worlds that are wonderful and inscrutable to us.

This discovery does not diminish any of the claims to uniqueness and ultimate truth which each of these religions do foster, any more than each wave upon an ocean can be denied the right to claim unique oneness with that ocean. This discovery does not deprive any religion of its right to pronounce authentic association with that ocean's power, will and spirit. Each wave does that. Although no two waves can be alike, each one is a perfect and unique expression of the ocean. All that this discovery does is to shift the view finder from each wave unto the Ocean itself, and to the biblical coordinates which miraculously preexisted these waves before they were raised and sent out upon the sea of history.>

What Galileo saw could not be seen a thousand years before him and what we can see and understand today, through the prism of these discoveries could not be seen two thousand years ago on the shores of Lake Galilee. But the Global paradigm - the mandate to embrace all religions in a perfect sense of friendship, unity and reconciliation, - this mandate was hidden, veiled and prepared for us in the Old Testament, within its time prophetic verses, only to be unraveled in our own day and age. Just exactly when we need this the most, in the Middle East and in every American City, because every American city is a microcosm of the Middle East, this discovery has been made so simple to attain that every child can recognize it.

This discovery of global coordination of religions, will serve as a tool for peace and reconciliation. Armed with this discovery, American cities will be capable, instead of dragging the Middle Eastern crisis to these American shores, they will be able to aid through education their mother-faiths in Israel and Palestine to see each other as what they really are, - Waves of One Sea, - waves that are destined to end their tragic tempest. And when the sun will break through the dense clouds, they are destined to see their religions as = suns of one and the same galaxy!

(Post Script) Ref. 2:    Baha'u'llah, in the Sacred Book of the sixth world religion from the Middle East, [the Kitab-i-Aqdas, p.153,] creates "the scale of inheritance" from the very same numbers of time prophecies which pertain to Judaism (2520),  Christianity (42), and Islam (60) respectively, and these numbers form this equation:  2520=42x60, which is precisely the formula for the inheritance scale of the 'Aqdas.'  (p. 106, q 5.)

If we look carefully through the Kitab-i-Aqdas, we will even discover the " intended significance" with this act of having made these inheritance numbers of the 'Aqdas'  in "accordance" with the concealed time prophetic projections of the Holy Books of the three previous major religions, which is a knowledge which Daniel the Prophet made renowned as  a "concealed knowledge."    We find that the Kitab-i-Aqdas openly claims for "the inheritance law" that it was created "in accordance with a hidden knowledge in the Book of God, (p. 188, n.48)" and  that its "numbers . .  had been invested with a  significance intended to  aid in the recognition of  Him Whom God will make manifest."  With this global significance wrapped into it, that inheritance scale is not merely a scale for the distribution of  non-inherited property, therefore, applicable to the handful of individuals who may have neglected to write a will and testament.  (intestacy, p.182, n.38.)  This "hidden knowledge" takes on a cosmic dimension on p. 29, K29  in the 'Aqdas,' where the "precept" has evolved into a command to proffer it "as the Water of Life to the followers of every faith, . . to all the denizens of earth and heaven."

Inspired by this command,  I took the freedom to elaborate also on the apparent similarity to a cup, or a grail which these numbers inscribe on the inheritance scale, and to offer the "Grail Scale" graphics "as a Water of Life to the nations."    This is done, not as a science, but merely as a convenient and somewhat entertaining headline grail-image that actually does capture both at the same time this inheritance scale, as well as the time prophetic numbers of the Torah, the Evangel and the Quran, as these numbers interact with this Aqdas scale of 42x60=2520,   1290 then being offered as the content of this grail "unto the followers of every faith."  1290 happens to be the interval from the advent of  Islam to the advent of the latest monotheistic religion from the Middle East, according to the Lunar calendar seen in two of the charts above, i.e. the main CONGRUENCE CHART and the ZOROASTRIAN INTERLUDE CHART.

The Grail
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Equally gratifying it is to find also the explanation in the 'Aqdas" for the reason why these numbers should happen to be unified in one of the most amazing equations in our  numerical system, and that lies in  the peerless nature of 2520 as the first number which factorial  is a full NINE!  (The 'Aqdas,' p. 106, q 5.)  Nothing less but "The King of Numbers" (so called by the Christian mathematician, Dr.Guinness, in the late nineteenth Century) was selected in the Torah as being worthy of capturing and expressing the universal paradigm of the coordinates and cycles of the six monotheistic religions in the Galaxy of Time!