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The Golden Realms

History of the Golden Realms
1st Age
Three ages have passed within the Golden Realms, some full of strife and others of peace. In the first age, when the lands were young. The Dwarves of Thilbare, Krillion of the forests of Tarkil and the Dragons of Drakebare lived in relative harmony. The Dwarves spread out along the eastern ranges of the land, carving out their kingdom within the heart of the mountains roots. The Krillion scattered themselves amongst the many lush great forests. Their cities intrigued any travelers who happened to journey through their lands, since the Krillion had taken to living high up within the tree tops of the great forests. Being a nocturnal people they preferred the night to the day, hidden amongst the darkness of the closely grown trees.

2nd Age
The coming of the second age announced the arrival of the mysterious Guardians of the Black Watch who were intent on setting up a series of Watch Towers along the border of the northern lands. They hailed from a land deep in the east, with a history more ancient than the Dragons of Drakebare. Their ancestral land is known as Nainya but was desolated during a terrible long war against a darklord, hence their arrival.

Dwarves were amazed at the ability of these people who carved out underground cities and mighty impregnible mountain fortresses. Curious the Dwarves sent an envoy which was welcomed by the strangers. With the aide of the Dwarves, the Guardians of the Black Watch built Dilbare, one of the greatest mountain fortresses ever to come into existance. The Guardians pushed further west, wanting to secure the whole of the northern border. In doing so they stumbled across the slumbering Dragons, whom they alerted to the coming threat of the northern Darklords. Time was short, there were rumblings in the north as the Darklords gathered their

Deep in the south, fair folk arrived. They took delight in the magnificent ancient forests of this young world and set about securing the land for themselves. In doing so they drove the Krillion into a small pocket of the forest at the foot of the mountains of Drakebare. This race called themselves the High Elves, with them came their kindred, the Wood Elves. Because of their many numbers and their advanced war tactics, the defeat of the Krillion was swift. Disturbed at the arrival of the fair folk, the Dwarves immediatly sent an envoy to met the Elven High King in the hope of finding justice for the Krillion's lose. But such a thing was not to be. The Elves however took note of the Dwarves mining skills and bargained with them, so an uneasy alliance through trade was struck. But was soon to fall through when the Dwarves realised that the Elves were swindling them out of the rich metals deep within the mountains. This lead to the beginning of several petty wars between the two races. Out of this came the Dwarves constant distrustfulness of the High Elves. A sudden attack from the Darklords alerted both the Elves and the Dwarves that the Gaurdians were in need of aid. Dilbare was under seige and strange rifts were opening, allowing black hordes to pour through any-where in the Golden Realms and attack unsuspecting villages and towns. This was to become known as the First War of Terror.

As the second age came to an end, the Krillion along with the Dragons of Drakebare joined in the war. Spear heading a fresh offensive against the Darklords. The Guardians strengthened their hold of the bordering mountains with the aide of the faithful Dwarves, but it became apparent that something was needed to seal up the rifts the Darklords had opened A hand picked group made up of two Guardians, two Elves, two Dwarves, two Krillion and one Dragon set off in search of the illusive Watcher, the ancient keeper of the gate of mists of time, the Guardian of the Golden Realms. To find the Un-named one, they had to first seek out a hidden valley, known as the Emerald Valley. The Guardians of the Black Watch alone had not forgotten the Un-named One, to the group of companions she came and stood on the edge of the Lake of Dreaming. Her tears she gave them, small crystal jewels that had fallen at her feet. These alone could shut up the rifts, but only if the travelers believed. The group of companions swore their belief as they gazed upon the Pale One, who just as she had come among them vanished with a wish that "she not be forgotten". The second age came to an end with the lose of Dilbare, the securing of the jewels and the defeat of the Darklords.

3rd Age
The third age passed with little disturbance, other than the forging of an alliance which soon dis-intigrated between the Dwarves and the Elves. From the west a wave of another race arrived. In great colonies men attempted to take the Golden Realms for themselves but got no further than the Plains of Omar. There they settled for the time being. The Wood Elves, after internal warfare with the High Elves seperated themselves and settled within the Forest of Perj'dvu. They took an interest in the affairs of men and began to trade with the newcomers. This was the age of peace, a time when the terrors of the second age was slowly forgotten, and the Un-named One wept silent tears as she too was forgotten. All but the Guardians who continued their constant watch upon the northern borders forgot.

4th Age
As the fourth age came into being, the great mighty forests of the Golden Realms began to show signs of decay. The health that had mysteriously kept them for thousands of years was fading. The plains became unfertile, the rivers began to dry up and the great lake no longer sparkled, even when the sun or moon shone upon it. A darkness crept into the heart of the Golden Realms, the land of dreaming, forgotten was the War of Terror. Once again the Pale World was in danger from the north. Amongst the races there was fighting and much feuding. The Guardians of the Black Watch watched the Golden Realms turn gray with sad hearts. The Un-named One was fading. Soon she would die. She was the last of her kind, the land was a part of her, as she was a part of the land. The Guardians of the Black Watch tried to act, they sent for their peaceful kindred, the Shan-gri-lia. A party of Guardians and Shan-gri-lia set off in search of the hidden haven of the Mysterious Watcher. But though they searched, she was to remain unseen, unheard. Fearing that with the lose of the Un-named One the remaining Darklords who had been driven north but not defeated, would return in triumph they began a crusade. A crusade to wake up the races, alert the peoples to the ailing of the Golden Realms.

5th Age
The fifth age began with saddness, as the Golden Realms continued to decay. Than the second War of Terrors erupted, as did the war between the High Elves and the Men of Omar. The Shar-tah stepped in, having seen the decay of the land, and feeling the world's saddness. And the presence of their ancient foe, the Dark Emperor Shalgor. The final battle was lead by a Shar-tah Kilmarrah named Moira Skydancer. She had been known as the Wolf of Dargoth, a Darklord of the North til she was turned back to the light. Knowing the way of darkness she assembled together armies, and struggled to keep the peace between the fueding races of the Golden Realms. Towards the end of the fifth age, the Emperor was finally destroyed, but his darklords scattered.

6th Age
Now, is the sixth age, the Krillion have began to journeyed west, back to their original homeland. Most of the Dragons of Drakebare have flown east to their true Island home. The Dwarves of Thilbare have fallen into an un-natural sleep, the High Elves are moarning the death of their recently murdered High King, and are now ruled by fair Tamaria. The Men of Omar are in chaos as they bicker amongst themselves. And a darkness which had settled within the forest of Perj'dvu, causing much strife among the Wood Elves. Who lost their King also to suspcious circumstances, and his daughter seizing the throne. Is no more, the true King of the WoodElves has taken the throne and is slowly rebuilding what the darkness was striving to destroy.

In the Golden Realms several races share the continent. It is a land of great beauty, large lakes, moutains and plains. In the background a silent war has always been waged between the Black Shar-tah and the Shar-tah Kilmarrah. For this realm is special, and the Dark Empress knows that if she succeeds in conquering it, that is one world she will have in her control, one step closer to the domination of all worlds, one step closer to a greater power. However events have changed for even the Shar-tah and in this new age, the Shar-tah are slipping further into the background, for this new age is becoming the age of men.

Races of the Golden Realms

The Golden Realms several races share the continent. It is a land of great beauty, large forests, flowing rivers, massive lakes and great rolling plains with monstrous mountain ranges.

Guardians of the Black Watch

Code of the Guardians; Truth, Justice and Loyalty.
A Guardian is bound to valour. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His might upholds the weak. His words speak only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked. He is the only one left standing in the midst of chaos.

Nainya was once a lush and furtile country. It's people trusting and peaceloving. They had built a culture around peace and harmony, where fighting and violence was relatively unheard of. Their realm hedged in on nearly all sides with towering mountain ranges where thought to keep out all enemies that might try to bring war.
But a darkness prevailed. From the north, crossing the moutnains that were thought to be imprenatable, came a dark army lead by a powerful darklord, five darklords in number. Each more powerful then the next. And so Nainya's demiss began. The people of Nainya at first fled for they knew not how to fight these dark warriors. For a hundred years they carved out dwellings beneath the surface of the land. Great citidales of remarkable architecture, with levels that reached deep into the earth, underground highways linked each of the cities up. The capital citidal was known as Shaylo, and here the High Council of Nainya gathered. A hundred years had passed and many who knew the sun and sky no longer lived.
Then a traveller stumbled upon one of the smaller cities. His name was Duncan Strider. He was named by the Nainyan's as "the Surface Dweller." He heard of their plight and took it upon himself to go to the High Council and offer to teach their men how to fight, so that they might return to the surface and reclaim the land they had lost. Duncan spent twenty years among the Nainyan's. He learned that they were a deeply religious people, whose faith in one known as the Shepherd King was unshakable.
And so the Nainyan's learned the art of war, men and women alike. Starting at a young age. No one was excluded. Their culture began to mold and change, soon they became a military nation, with one desire, to reclaim the lands they had lost to the darklords. Their grasp on battle astonished the very man who had taught them. It seemed that the Nainyan's possessed a remarkable ability to easily learn the art of war and all styles of fighting.
Duncan eventually married a woman known as Alina, she was a strong warrioress, and gave him many sons and daughters. Blessing their union greatly.
When the Nainyan's deemed themselves finally ready, they marched to the surface and confronted the five darklords. Thus ensuing a war that lasted another hundred years. It was known as the wars of terrors, for the Nainyan's were strong, but the darklords matched them in numbers and dark magics. During the terrible wars, the Nainyan's became known as the Guardians of the Black Watch. The war itself never truely ended. Several citidals were lost. The Guardians swore that they would not rest until the darklords of the north were defeated and they had won their beloved ancestral land Nainya back.
The Guardians are now spread all along the northen border, from their lands in the far east, all along the mountains that protect the Golden Realms from the dark forces brewing constantly.

The different Types and ranks amongst the Guardians.
The Keepers: A special cast. These are the protectors of the hidden cities that house the Nainyan's. No one enters the cities without their knowledge. They are few in numbers and only the best of the best are chosen to enter their ranks.
Shadow Runner: These people are the eyes and ears of the Guardian Council. They travel deep into the northern lands, reporting the movements of the Dark Lords hordes. They are likened to spies and have an uncanny ability to conceal themselves from detection and can survive in the most desolate or terrible of conditions.
Black Guardians:They are sent far and wide throughout the Golden Realms as personal bodyguards of various important people. They also act as a policing force who dispence justice wherever they might be, if the need arises.
Guardians:These are the citizens of Nianya. Everyone is a Guardian, everyone is trained from a young age to be able to wear the black uniform. Most Guardians populate the underground cities and Fortresses. The rank of Guardian is a starting point and lowest ranking. Those who are in training are known as novices, these are the children and teenagers.
Black Knights:This is the next rank up from Guardian. These men and women will have earned this rank through hard work, actions beyond the call of duty and living the strict code. The Knights stand out amongst the Guardians due to their surcoat they wear and the black lances they carry when on patrols or escort duties.
Black Knights of the Black Rose: This is the highest rank a Guardian can obtain. Most who recieve this ranking have served for many long years and are close to the age of retiring. Most who recieve the Black Rose will possible go on to join the High council, who rules the Nainyans'.
High Council:Those who sit on the council are all retired Knights of the Black Rose. They are the ones who decide who gets posted where. They are the ones whom Kings and such will write to if a Black Guardian is needed. And they are the only ones who know the true identity of the Keepers.

Shan-gri-lia of the Island of Shari (Peacekeepers)

Code of the Shan-gri-lia; Peace where there can be peace. Understanding where there can be understanding. And courage to know when war cannot be stopped.
The Shan-gri-lia are the Peacekeepers of the Golden Realms. They are the ones who kept full scale wards from breaking out between the five races who share this vast continent.
The Shan-gri-lia beginnings came with the first wars of terrors to erupt throughout the Golden Realms. A people known as the Starians came from the deep south, across the Black Sea. And encouraged the races to put aside their bickerings so they could focus on the much larger problem coming from the north as one realm.
From the Starians sprang up the order of the Shan-gri-lia. People from all five races who longed for peace came together. With hopes of preventing wars that could wipe the known races of the Golden Realms out.
Healers:These people study all aspects of healing. From the healing of battlewounds to combating poisons. If there is war, they are sent to the battlefield to see to the wounds of the warriors of both sides. Or if someone has been poisoined, they are sent to the aid of that person, to see if they cannot make an anti-dote.
Diplomates:These are the peacekeepers who train not only in the area of healing. But also are trained in the area of speaking to Kings and nobles. If rumour comes to the council of a possible war, a diplomate is immediatly sent to the two bickering leaders in the hopes of negotiating a peaceful situation. At other times they are sent to act as advisors.
Ambassador:Those chosen for this service are sent to act on the behalf of the council and sometimes on the behalf of other nations or races to other races or nations. Often when newcomers arrive.
The Shari Council:These are all retired healers, diplomates and ambassadors. They are the ones who decide who gets sent to where. And when novices are ready to become fully fledged peacekeepers. They keep abreast of all that happens within the Golden Realms and are in close contact with the High Council of the Guardians.

The Krillions

These blue skinned, golden eyed little people live in the forests that lay at the base of the Drakebare mountains. Which run along the border of the North. Like the Woodelves they live in the treetops, in great cities, which the Woodelves helped them to build. They have a strong friendship with the Woodelves and Dragons of Drakebare and often visit both. Originally they come from a land known as Mistral in the west. But due to circumstances which they themselves do not like to discuss they moved to the Golden Realms. Now it seems that they are preparing to return to Mistral. Why this decision no one really knows. But the decision has been made and so slowly small groups of Krillions can be seen, traveling at night west, back to their homeland. Perhaps it is because their large friends the Dragons are now rarely found in the Drakebare mountains or perhaps they feel that they are too close to the new threat coming from the north.

The High Elves of Silvaria

Silvaria is a beautiful land which lays in the shadows of the Thilbare mountains. This has not always been the home of these High Elves, since they come from the deep south across the Black Sea. They are known to hold arrogance towards most other races, except for the Dwarves of Thilbare with whom they have an alliance and a prosperous trade. They also delight in the music and the arts. Their architecture is far more advanced than that of the Men of Omar. Of late there has been trouble among the High elves. The High King Meaglin was murdered and his daughter went insane. His sister Sylvia and the court Wizard Gaylia attempted to take the throne but are thorted by the Princesses bodyguard, a female High Elf named Millan. Millan found out that the Princess had been given some enchanted jewelery on her birthday, which caused both insanity and amnesia. With the help from the Dwarves of Thilbare she found a way to save the Princess. Once the Princess Tamaria was herself, she confronted Sylvia and was crowned queen of Silvaria. Furious Sylvia waited for Tamaria to leave the Crystal Palace and go on a tour of the land she ruled. Sylvia attacked when Tamaria was most vulnerable, forcing the young queen to go into hiding. But Tamaria found that she had many allies and proceeded to storm Crystal Palace with their aid. The battle raged for four days and finally the gates were breached. Both Sylvia and Gaylia were found and tried for treason, they were banished from Silvaria, never to return. Tamaria returned to the thorne, where she now reigns much like her father, just and right. During her time of hiding, she sailed south and visited the land of her ancestors. Remembering this, she decides that it is time her people returned home, for a new age was coming to the Golden Realms.

Woodelves of Peri'djvu

These are the cousins of the High elves. But unlike their cousins who live in elegant white structures. They live in the southern forests of Peri'djvu, on the edge of the Black sea. They have built their homes high up in the branches of the great trees, large hidden cities. There came a time when once they lived with their cousins, but disliking the arrogance of the High Elves and loving to travel throughout the lands, they broke away. This breaking away has left both sides a little bitter towards each other. They are far friendlier than their cousins and delight in wood craft since with this skill they can trade with traveling merchants who pass by. They helped the Krillions build their forest cities in the forest of Tarkil when they first arrived. And often go up to visit their blue skinned friends.
Further Woodelf information

Men of Omar

Men of Omar A young proud race, driven by power greed and pride. They are consitered recless, and foolessby the elder races. They came exploring for new things; resources, allies but often make enemies, and treasures. Ruled over by the 'Thorn Kings'; but controlled the barons and lords. They more often fight between each other for land and power. But the elder races do agree on one thing: "The race of man has great possiblities for the greater good or the darkest evil".
On arriving on this land mass the humans settled in the plians of omar. Several settlements grew quickly on the rich farming soil; soon soon they were the first cities. These cities controlled by families; often a few of these familieswould inter-marry to maintian the peace. 'Peace' is a word not heard often; when speaking about humans. Great leaders haven risen and and fallen in civil wars; people bidding for powerusing weapons for personal profit. Out of these wars came the first 'Thorn King'. He was a man of both power and Peace; and since the Thorn Kings have keep the uneasy peace between the lords and barons. These humans are interesting to watch; the settlements they have created have drawn my attentions. These cities and towns welcome other races into these communities. Dwarves build for Draves, elves build for elves, but these humans build for and welcome all.
Dwarves - These men of the earth; wery of the humans they trade with becuase greed often drives them to do strange things. The humans often trade for ores, jems, weapons and knowledge of the forges. High Elves - These Elves often look at the humans and see the race that can be watched and be taught. The high elves often trade services and goods for just the same.
Wood Elves - The realms of man crossed in to the realm of the Wood Elf with disastorious results. The elves of the peri-djuv forest stopped often killed any who dared disrespect the forest. Since then trading with the wood elves is few and often done with care.
Krillion - There has been little contact between these races. Most of the contact that has been made has been between the few human lumber jacks that have made the forest their home and the krillion.
Black Watch - At times the Humans have feared respected hated and pittied these people. When there is trading to be done it is often for supplies and services.
Peace Keepers - The Men of Omar are more apart of the peacekeepers then even they would expect. The Men of Omarare often the cheif suppliers of man power, and resources. The Men of Omar are also in the greatest need of the peace keeperes.
Shar-Tah - Every few if any of the Men of Omar know of the Shar-tah or their sister races. Only because the young race tends to fear or distroy what they dont understand.

Dwarves of Thilbare

These Dwarves live within the great mountains of Thilbare. Their homes are within the mountains themselves, having been hand carved out of rock. There are at least six cities or more hidden within the mountains, unseen and inpregnible by other races. Only the High elves can enter without being looked upon with suspcioun since the Dwarves and the High elves have a strong alliance related to trade. Though at times this alliance is shaky. The Dwarves were responsible for mining the cursed sapphire stones that almost lead to Queen Tamaria's down fall. But they never intended for the stones to be used against anyone and had taken precautions to make sure it would not be traded. Though it was stolen. The stones once recovered where placed in a stronghold, guarded by the Dwarves in one of their underground cities. So that it's curse would not be released upon another person.

Personal words from the Creator

This world is connected to others. The Golden Realms itself is but one continent on a large planet. There is much more to this world then it seems. And soon I will delve into the histories and races on the other continents that adjearn to this realm and the other lands across the Black Sea. I want to take the time here, to mention that this world is accessible through portals. Which connects it to other worlds as well. Some have yet to be explored, others have yet to be found. These portals however are very unstable and do not remain open for very long. I have done this page for the room. To fill you all in on any questions you may have. In regards to the five races who reside within the Golden Realms. There are also five links, two are for the History of the Shar-tah and the other is to the map of the Golden Realms. And one is information on the races of the Pale Realms. I hope you all enjoyed the reading and have a better understanding of my world that I am Guardian over.

Links to other information sites.

Map of the Golden Realms
History of the Shar-tah Part One
History of the Shar-tah Part Two
Races of the Pale Realms