Fanfiction Quicklinks

Fanfiction Quicklinks

Updated July 2005


The largest and most reknown (aka the "Pit of Voles") multifandom Mega-Archive. Tens of thousands, possibly millions, of stories in every conceivable fandom and of every conceivable genre. Granted, this can make it difficult to find the diamonds in the roughs, but they're there! Updated constantly by the authors themselves, it is a continuous source of fanfic for whatever your pleasure. When you're done reading a fic, don't hesitate to click on the menu at the bottom and Submit A Review! It's instantaneous feedback, no effort required -- what could possibly be better than that? Please note, however, that FF.Net no longer allows NC-17 fic of any variety to be archived.
Complete Kingdom Of Slash
The largest collection of SLASH stories, any and all pairings, written in any and all fandoms. Browse by fandom or author, or try out a variety of search engines. Please note: the archive has only recently been overhauled to use the Automated Archive system, and as such is still in the process of adding old stories (of which there are thousands). New submissions are welcome, however.
Data Annex Fan Fiction Archive
A fair-sized but not large multifandom archive. Has not been updated since 2002, but can be browsed by title, author, category and crossovers. All fandoms and all ratings included.
The Darkness Within...
This is an "Evil Fan Fiction Archive" for stories in which the main character is torn down, usually through physical or emotional pain, for the purpose of rebuilding the character... aka, come here for all your angst, suffering, and hurt/comfort needs. A few dozen fandoms are represented, by a few hundred authors. Polls choose a Best Story of the Month. Easily navigatable. Sporadic updates.
A multifandom archive a lot like FF.Net, but geared entirely toward the slash genre. All fandoms, all categories, all ratings. Still small, but growing.
Another multifandom archive along the lines of FF.Net, but geared toward the NC-17 side of things. Accepts both HET and SLASH fiction -- basically anything no longer welcome on the original FF.Net can be posted here.
You Want Fries With That?
The "Fanfic To Go" Archive is a collection of fanfiction specially formatted to be easily added to your PalmOS (Palm, Handspring Visor, Sony Clié, TRG Pro, Handera, IBM Workpad), Apple Newton, HP Palmtop, Psion/EPOC PDA, TI Avigo, Franklin eBookman or WinCE handheld device. Stories from multiple fandoms, many authors, and in every and all genre are included. Search by author or fandom. Updated rather irregularly, but it's the only site of its kind so who cares?

Cascade Library: The Sentinel Gen Archive
This is the largest collection of The Sentinel GEN fanfiction anywhere. Updated daily, stories are either housed directly on the archive or linked to author's homepages. You can browse the archive for whatever catergory you're looking for, including a handy guide to the most common TS fic themes (ie: Blair's father). CL also contains its own Recommendations section for when you just gotta share. :)
852 Prospect Ave: The Sentinel Adult Fiction Archive
The largest collection of The Sentinel SLASH fanfiction anywhere, this archive also accepts any HET/ADULT fanfic story or poem. Updated daily, it is easily navigated using the Automated Archive's Quicksearch system. Fanfic posted to the main mailing lists is automatically added to the archive, but authors can also post stories directly on the archive using the simple Automated Posting Interface. This archive is extremely user-friendly, and one can always find just what they're looking for with as little effort as possible. I used to use this sucker for my homepage, if that gives you any clue. :)
Wolfpup's Den
An award-winning small collection of The Sentinel GEN fanfiction by about twenty different authors, this archive is owned and moderated entirely by Wolfpup. Updated frequently, it is a simple and colourful guide to good TS genfic. This website also includes a comprehensive up-to-date links section, and a fun quotes page.

Blackraptor: Magnificent Seven Fanfiction Archive
A large collection of The Magnificent Seven fanfiction, both GEN and SLASH. Gen stories are freely archived on the main page, but slash stories have their own mini-archive and require an age-statement to access them. Blackraptor is easy to navigate and easy to submit to. Colorful buttons serve as a guide to many alternate universes common to this fandom. Featured characters of stories are always indicated, even separated into various character pages, so you can pick and choose who to read about. The only drawback of this site is the lack of story summaries with which to judge by. Nevertheless, the is my favorite source of M7 fiction.
M7FFA: The Magnificent Seven Fanfiction Archive
A large collection of The Magnificent Seven fanfiction, both GEN and SLASH. This is the first M7 archive and a sentimental favorite. It is updated frequently, utilising the Automated Archive system, but it is not quite as easy to navigate as it could be. Please note: if searching the Adult/Slash archive, scroll through the Titles to find all the stories--the Authors list is incomplete. Site is currently being remodeled.
LadyAngel's Library: A Magnificent Seven Gen Archive
Another huge and ever-growing The Magnificent Seven GEN fanfiction archive. Updated frequently, this website is easily navigated by the usual author, title and category listings, but can also be browsed by the universe index. Got a particular AU you're looking for? Find it here!
Walking A Fine Line: The Chris Larabee and Vin Tanner Hurt/Comfort Archive
A fair sized The Magnificent Seven GEN fanfiction archive, with ADULT/SLASH stories (housed on the separate Adult Black & Buckskin Archive) available upon request with an age-statement. Updated frequently, this archive lists stories by title only. A little guesswork is needed to find good stories, but at least you know ahead of time what the main theme is. :)
Little Britches Alternate Universe Archive
A fair sized The Magnificent Seven GEN fanfiction archive, housing all of the current stories in the M7: LB AU (in which Vin and JD are orphaned boys taken in by Chris and Buck). Updated frequently, this archive lists stories by title and LB sub-universe. Maintained by Joy K, it is a subsidiary of Nancy's Blackraptor.
M7Slash Archive
A growing automated The Magnificent Seven SLASH fanfiction archive. All pairings and all universes welcome. Updated frequently, this archive is easy to browse by title, author, category, AU, or search engine. No age statement required. Oh, and episodes are available for download off this website as well!

Seventh Dimension: The Highlander Fanfiction Archive
This is the ultimate Highlander fanfiction archive. Everything HL-related is archived here, old and new. While not updated frequently, what updates there are tend to be in bulk with dozens of new stories added at a time. 7thDim also provides useful services to new readers and authors, as well as an extensive links section to other fanfiction sources. And the archive is huge, extensively categorized, and indexed so that you can easily spend days happily browsing the collection--and barely put a dent into the number of stories there are to read!
HLQC: The Highlander Quill Club
A fair-sized but very graphics-intensive archive of GEN, ADULT, and SLASH fiction. The graphics slow loading time, but it is rather easy to navigate once you're in. Major authors like Maygra de Rhema have their own pages, while all other minor authors can be found in the Library's Stacks. HLQC runs many writing challenges and awards, so the quality of the fiction is generally high.
Methos Boxer Brigade
The meeting place of the MBB, it contains a small archive of Methos-centric GEN, ADULT, and SLASH fiction. Browse by author, title, and genre. Oh, and while you're there, don't forget to stop by the Gallery for some truly lovely pics. :)
Daire's Fanfic Refuge
A small Highlander archive that has a tendency to piss me off due to my inability to save stories posted on this site, but contains some good fanfic nevertheless. Browsable by author, summaries are kept on a separate pop-up menu. Graphics may make stories difficult to read. I wouldn't recommend this site at all if it weren't for the fact that some very good pieces can only be found here.

Heliopolis: A Stargate SG-1 Fanfiction Archive
This is the GEN and HET/ADULT archive for the Stargate: SG-1 and Stargate: Atlantis fandoms. Updated frequently, it uses a version of the Automated Archive system. It could certainly be made easier to browse, but you can still find your way around, so it isn't too bad. Unfortunately, most stories archived there are housed off-site, so may or may not be accessible. Site is experiencing "technical difficulties" which have left it in an incredible mess. I'm hoping they'll fix it soon.
Area 52: The HKH Standard - Stargate SG-1 Slash Archive
The sister archive of Heliopolis, Area52 focuses on Stargate: SG-1 SLASH stories. Updated weekly, the archive is easy to browse by author or pairing, with full information about each story provided. All slash (or femslash) pairings are accepted, all ratings, all genres. The website also has an interesting history behind its name, so be sure to check that out too.
The Stargate: Atlantis fanfiction archive. Affliated with the mailing list of the same name, but open to all genres and authors. Updated frequently, the archive can only be browsed by pairing. Still fairly new, so still in the growing stages, but there's some good stories on there.
The Alpha Gate Archive
An archive of the Stargate: SG-1 stories of all genres, both GEN and SLASH. This is a Season-Six FREE (no Jonas!) archive, with an extensive "Meridian"-Fix section. Updated frequently, the archive is extensively indexed and easy-to-browse by author, title or character.
The Cartouche
An archive of the Stargate: SG-1 stories of all genres, both GEN and SLASH. Updated frequently, the archive is extensively indexed and easy-to-browse by author, title or category. However, to read or post stories, you must register as a member. (Don't worry, it's easy and instantaneous -- takes five seconds, max.)
The Stargate: SG-1 Novel Archive
The archive of the Stargate: SG-1 stories of 150K or more, all genres included. Updated only once every few months, the archive is extensively indexed and easy-to-browse. Stories are available as full text or downloadable as zip files.
JD_Divas: JackDaniel Fanfic
This archive houses only Jack- and Daniel-oriented Stargate: SG-1 GEN and SLASH stories, by Biblio, PheonixE and various authors. Updated frequently, the archive also contains featured 'Alpha Male' and 'Gratuitous Jammies Fic' subsections. Fanart, SG-1 Solutions, Yadda Press, and various SG-related articles are included.
The Comfort Zone
This mailing list archive houses Stargate: SG-1 GEN and SLASH stories, with a Hurt/Comfort theme. Updated frequently, the archive also contains an interesting treat -- the first H/C zine is available to read as a PDF file, including fanart!
Wormhole Crossing
A Stargate Universe Crossover Archive that is still small but quickly growing. Very prettily designed with multiple skins for different layouts. Automated Archive, updated sporadically.

The Library Of Moria: LOTR Slash Fanfiction Archive
A large The Lord Of The Rings SLASH fanfiction archive for all pairings in J.R.R. Tolkien's book and movie universe. Updated frequently, this archive is easy to browse by pairing. Story summaries are included, Works-In-Progress are accepted.
Axe and Bow: A Legolas and Gimli Fanfiction Archive
The archive of the Axe_Bow Yahoogroup, all GEN, ADULT, and SLASH The Lord Of The Rings stories featuring Legolas and Gimli (or any Elf-Dwarf pair) are accepted. Besides those stories housed directly on the site, there is a Big List of all L/G stories on the web. Updated every now and then, this archive is simple to peruse. No RealPersonSlash is allowed.

The Gossamer Project: The X-Files Fanfiction Archives
These are actually multiple mirror archives, housed on servers around the world so that at least one is always operational no matter what. Practically every X-Files fanfiction ever written can be found somewhere within the archives. The collection of stories is collosal, but extensively indexed to make it simple to browse. All stories are text files, no HTML. Updated in bulk on a monthly basis, new fiction is always available. Gossamer serves as the central fanfic focus of the XF fandom, so links to everywhere and anywhere can be found through its tremendous resources. If you can't find what you are looking for at Gossamer, chances are high it doesn't exist.
The Annex: The X-Files Novel Archive
The home of X-Files fanfiction stories (or compiled series) of over 200K in length. The collection is large, and simple to browse. Updated only when new novels are written, which is not very often. You can read the stories as full text or download them as zip files, and many even have cover art to go with them. If you're looking for a nice long read, this is the place.

The Unnamed UnFAQ
Links to Forever Knight UFish Fanfiction, of a SLASH bent between Nicholas Knight and Lucien LaCroix.
Forever Knight Fan Fiction
Mel Moser's huge archive of Forever Knight fanfiction, all genres, all stored locally as text files. Categorization is iffy. Archive is no longer active, so no new updates. Check out version 2.0 below for the new stories.
Forever Knight Fan Fiction 2
In honour of Mel Moser's now-defunct archive of Forever Knight fanfiction, version 2.0 was opened by loyal followers. Follows the same format as Mel's original archive, but contains the newer stories and is still actively accepting submissions.
The main archive of Forever Knight ADULT and SLASH Fanfiction. Still active, but infrequently updated. Search by author or pairing. Site is under reconstruction -- will be back soon.


BFA: The Buffy Fiction Archive
Huge archive of Buffy: the Vampire Slayer and Angel: the Series fanfiction. All genres, all pairings, all ratings. Browse by title, author, category, pairing, character, or search engine. Archive is automated, so updates sporadically.
Twisting the Hellmouth
The Buffy: the Vampire Slayer and Angel: the Series Crossover fanfiction archive. All genres, all pairings, all ratings. Browse by fandom, author, category, pairing, character, or search engine. Archive is automated, in the style of FF.Net. Has grown quite large and more like FF.Net everyday. Not necessarily a good thing.
Slashing The Angel
Large archive of Angel-centric slash fanfiction, featuring all pairings. Search by title, author, or pairing. Archive is affliated to, so has many links to other fanfic archives in the Jossverse.

Lois & Clark Fanfic Archvie
The main archive of the Lois & Clark: The New Adventures Of Superman, this website has everything a discerning FoLC could be looking for. Over 2000 stories, easy-to-browse, polls, bulletin boards, and the Kerth Awards.

Knight Foundation Fan Fiction Center
An indexed archive of the Knight Rider fanficion websites, this archive of stories also serves as the Masterlist for eligibility in The Edwards Fanfiction Awards. The Foundation also hosts the Knight Radio (upon which not only music, but fanfic stories are narrated) and its own message board.

Smallville Slash Archive
An automated archive of the Smallville fanficion. Stories are SLASH, all ratings and genres. Updated frequently and well categorized.

seaQuest Net
Links to all currently available seaQuest websites, including fanfiction. It's good that somebody cares enough to do this, because otherwise you'll never find anything. Most of the fandom has collasped, leaving only dead-end trails of where their websites have gone. (I should know, I spent months trying to track them down. *sigh*) NOTE: Domain name seems to have been bought out by some actor or other, so I've lost the location of the site -- if it even still exists. Am searching, will update with new link if I can find it.

Eyes Only
Small archive of Dark Angel fanfiction, all genres, all stored locally. Categorization is iffy. This DA Fan Forum Network website also contains episode transcripts, pictures, cast info, and links. Very good resource.

The X-Men Movieverse Fan Fiction
An indexed archive of the X-Men fanficion stories based on the movies. Search by author, title, or main character. All genres included.

The Less Than Legendary Journeys
An archive of GEN, HET, and SLASH Hercules: The Legendary Journeys fanficion stories. Also includes Young Hercules tales, and a helluva lot of other interesting, fun and informational tidbits. NC-17 stories are housed in a separate index with plenty of warnings. Search by author or (unusual) categories. All genres welcome.

Sleepy Hollow Fan Fiction
An index to most of the net's available Sleepy Hollow fanfiction; all genres, all pairings. Some summaries included.

The Gargoyles Saga
A Gargoyles archive of episodic stories for a variety of alternate seasons. Anything by Christine Morgan is guaranteed good.

NCIS Fanfiction Archive
The Navy NCIS all-inclusive fanfiction archive. Contains GEN, HET/ADULT, and SLASH. Easily navigatable, small but growing collection. Updated frequently.

Fiction Alley
A multi-site Harry Potter archive for every imaginable pairings, genre, and scenario. Broken up into different themed "houses", it's at least well explained if not too interconnected. Good resource when you know what you're looking for. Not fully automated, but close. Updated frequently.

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