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user : FUCKER
pet : FUCK_LAD
NP : 27,867,035

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14156 / 14948
Power 100%
0 / 16935
Power 20%

FUCK_LADOn the last FUCKING move... Balthazar
You FUCKED Balthazar by waving your Ultimate Rod of FUCKING NOVA at them!!!

You sex with Balthazar by using your Immense Extenable Sex Machine of Gloom at them!!!

You FUCKED with Balthazar using ur Jetsam FUCK!

Balthazar hurt you greatly using their FUCKING Balthazar claw
Balthazar fuckingly attacks you!
Balthazar FUCKED and weaken you with their Fucking Baboons!
792 hp
18374 hp

Quoth Balthazar:
FUCK yer I lost!!!

You have beaten Balthazar!
You have won this fight!

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