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Private Pilot Lesson 3

This purpose of doing ground reference maneuvers in this lesson is to make other aspects of flight easier to understand, as well as to get you used to dividing your attention.


In this lesson you will get more practice at the maneuvers you learned in Lesson 1. Once you feel comfortable with those maneuvers we will move on to Ground Reference Maneuvers.

Lesson Contents

Review of Lesson 2
Preflight Planning And Performance Charts
Weight & Balance
Cockpit Management
Checklist Usage
Starting Procedures
Normal Takeoff
Fundamentals & Airspeed Changes
Ground Reference Maneuvers
Normal Landing
Parking & Securing the aircraft
Code of Federal Regulations (FARs)
Post Flight Discussion
Optional Assignment

Preflight Procedures...45 min
Flight...90 min
Post Flight...20 min


Aircraft Performance Charts, Weather Data, Weight & Balance Data

Lesson Completion Standards

By the end of this lesson the student should be able to fly the fundamental maneuvers and ground reference maneuvers to practical test standards. There should be no pressure to complete the lessson in any given time. It is okay if the lesson needs to be repeated until the student is able to fly to practical test standards.