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Progressive Conservative Party: Organizational Structure

Party Leader- Stephan
Vice Leader-Jordan
Party Spokesperson- Monica S., Abby
Finance Manager- Mark, Rimon
Media Specialist- Daniel Lam, Chris F., Dane, Daniel Lobovsky, Jacqueline, Vivianne
Advisory Councilors- Karen, Monica S.
Polling Specialist- Chris F., Karen, John
Strategy Specialists: Jordan, Fadi

We, the Conservative Party, believe in stable funding for healthcare, increased access to medication as well as investments in biotechnology. We believe in universal healthcare and controlled prices for medication, so people can get the medication they need without having companies take advantage of them. We will invest in better hospital facilities to make the healing environment and emergency rooms of hospitals more efficient, which will shorten the emergency lineups.

As a group we believe that taxes should remain the same. Every dollar given by the taxpayers will be accounted for and money will not be squandered. We will introduce a mortgage interest tax deduction to help out homeowners, and we will also give seniors a tax break. We will also provide more tax relief for job creating business.

More money will be given for universities and colleges. We will make better facilites and technology available to schools, and we will strive to make tuition more affordable, as well as getting private school tax refunds. We believe in standardized testing so that all students get equal chances to excel in grades.

We, as the government, will only permit immigrants that will contribute to the work force and increase screening at the border to eliminate criminals and terrorists from getting into our country. We will also strive to obtain better and faster immigration processes.

Debt Reduction
As the Conservative Party, we will pay off the debt efficiently, and we will use our spending money wisely to make sure that every dollar can be accounted for to improving Canada for you. We will slowly but surely pay off the debt with perseverance.

We will invest in basic research, and also control the national resources and increase the recycling awareness. We will plant trees and encourage a monthly garbage pickup day to enforce a cleaner environment. We will invest more in public transit to reduce the rate of air pollution caused by cars. Also, we will conduct research to the producing of more fuel efficient and environmentally friendly transportation.

Energy Price
We, the Conservative Party, will eliminate GST on home heating and also disallow high-octane gases. We will also freeze gas prices. Windmills will be produced to cut down on the reliance of the Niagara Power Plant and the nuclear plants. This will be done to conserve energy. We will strive towards the mass - producing of windmills and solar panels which create no pollution and can generate power just as well.

The P.C will cut down on welfare accessibility and create easier job opportunities. Welfare is a problem because people have been "cheating" the system and using the welfare system unnecessarily. We will increase the screening of our welfare applicants to prevent welfare fraud.

We will leave tax prices the way they are meaning no tax hikes. We will also try to create better retirement funds, as well as no taxing on the first $ 12,000 of income. We will encourage companies to run apprenticeship programs in which the unemployed can learn and further their job skills. Once they get jobs, they will be able to give back to the government through taxes. This in the long run, will decrease homeless rates and crime rates in Canada. Vacant buildings owned by the government can be turned into homeless shelters or group homes.

Aboriginal Peoples
Our party, the Conservative Party, will negotiate instead of dictate the Aboriginial Peoples and have increased education and job advantages as well as opportunities for the Aboriginal peoples. We will educate these people which in turn will give them more job opportunities in the future.

Death Penalty
We support the death penalty under specific circumstances. For example, serial killers will be subject. The severity of the murder will matter. The death penalty will be with a lethal injection.

Gay Rights
We, as the Conservative Party, will illegalize gay marriages, and illegalize a public display of homosexuality.

Gender Equality
All citizens of Canada are considered equal no matter what race, religion, or gender they may be.We will enforce equal pay in the workplace as well as equal maternity and paternity leaves at the workplace.

Child Abuse
We, as the Conservatives believe that the discipline of a child and the abuse of one are two completely separate things. Children need discipline. Children do not need a drunk or impaired parent or guardian beating them. The disciplining of a child will be allowed as has always been, but we will increase awareness of the growing problem of child abuse. Therapy for both the children and the adults involved will be provided by the government, for the after effects of abuse can be quite traumatic for a child put through this kind of situation.

Drugs & Alcohol
The taxes on all alcoholic beverages will be increased. This, in the long term, will reduce the amount of alcoholic beverages purchased which will result in fewer impaired driving accidents and lower rates of crime caused by impaired judgment. Tabs will be kept on bars and clubs to prevent the useage of drugs in that kind of environment. The Conservatives will raise awareness on the affects of drugs and alcohol to middle school kids all the way to high school students by implementing government funded classes on these issues.

We, as the Progressive Conservatives of Canada, believe that abortion is wrong. The killing of an unborn embryo or fetus should never take place. Abortion will be made illegal in Canada, and if committed, the woman can be charged and convicted with murder; for murder of an unborn fetus is still murder. The doctor performing the abortion will be suspended from his job for a period of time lasting up to one complete year. If the abortion was not performed by a doctor, the man or woman can be charged with endangering the pregnant woman's life and also murder of the unborn fetus.

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