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All right people, this is the outcome (it's not done yet, waiting for my amp) of all the hard work that i put into it. Overall, i am very satisfied with the looks of it right now. Once i finish it, i 'll be very proud of this baby.

This is what my trunk looked before without anything:


And this is now:

Front and back

I am currently running these 2 subs with my Audiobahn 2600E, and it's just in the trunk floor since i didn't wanna make the amp rack until i get my amp. As you can see tho, it's secure in the trunk floor and it doesn't move, so that's a plus.

Sexy beasts huh?

Finally, this is a what it will look when i am all done with the amp rack and the paneling. I did it with photoshop

but you get the idea tho.


Updated 5/2/03