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Welcome to

We aim to provide a safe and fun penpals and dating service for people of all ages from all around the world. Lots of people have made new friends through the service and there have been quite a few weddings due to does not allow adult orientated material.
If you are looking for adult oriented penpals or short term sexual relationships then our sister service is available at

General Penpals

Join General Penpals

Our original service now just for over 16s looking for penpals and platonic friendships.
We offer free basic membership that allows a full range of functions as well as a premium service that offers many more features. Replies are via the websites messaging system, SMS (mobile/cell phone messaging) or via our anonymous postal reply service (commencing 1st May 2003).
Kris  27  Female  United States ,    
penpals and friends 
singleSeeking Anybody 25 to 40 | free member
Kiran Varghese  19  Male  India ,    
INDIAN 4you 
singularSeeking Male 16 to 100 | free member
  christine wright  27  Female  United Kingdom , warrington   
Seeking Anybody 25 to 40 | free member

Browse By Age and Gender

MALE 0-15   16-18   18-20   20-25   25-30   30-35   35-40   40s   50s   60+   Seeking Males Seeking Females Seeking Anybody
FEMALE 0-15   16-18   18-20   20-25   25-30   30-35   35-40   40s   50s   60+   Seeking Males Seeking Females Seeking Anybody

Member Count

Female 16283       Male 21507      


Join Dating

Our dating service for over 16s.
This service is for people looking for romantic dates and long term relationships. This service is currently totally free - free profiles - free unlimited replies.
markie hazelwood  16  Female  United States , kentucky   
Sweet and nice 
singleSeeking Male 16 to 19 | free member
Dusty DeLacey  17  Male  United States , KY   
Let's talk! 
single and lookingSeeking Male 15 to 18 | free member
  K V S R  39  Male  India , Tamil Nadu   
Need gril friend 
Seeking Female 16 to 100 | free member

Browse By Age and Gender

MALE 16-18   18-21   21-25   25-30   30-35   35-40   40-50   Over 50   Seeking Males Seeking Females Seeking Anybody
FEMALE 16-18   18-21   21-25   25-30   30-35   35-40   40-50   Over 50   Seeking Males Seeking Females Seeking Anybody

Member Count

Female 1544       Male 4383      

Kids Penpals

Join Kids Penpals

Our monitored penpals service for under 16's.
Profiles are monitored for inappropriate material and all messages sent our automatically checked for common material unsuitable for a younger audience to provide a safer environment for children to make new friends from around the world.
The kids site is commercial advertisement free.
  Rashanda  15  Female  United States ,    
Seeking Male 16 to 19 | free member
  lawson amenudzi  12  Male  Ghana , accra   
hi i will be waiting for your reply 
Seeking Female 16 to 20 | free member
  Debbie  14  Female  United States ,    
Seeking Male 13 to 14 | free member

Browse By Age and Gender

BROWSE (MALE) Under 6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16+  
BROWSE (FEMALE) Under 6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16+  

Member Count

Female 14705       Male 5931      
For your security we do not display email address and currently only allow electronic replies through our messaging service. We shall shortly (est May 2003) be introducing an anonymous postal service and sms mobile messenging replies so even members without full time internet access can make new friends.