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My Favorite Web Sites

Play games at yahoo
Camp Rising Sun
Chat Room
College of Staten Island


I was born in Ecuador, On September 20, 1985. Ecuador is located in South America.(for those that don't know) It's just a relaxing place to be, it's a country atsomphere. I came to New York City when I was about six years old. I remember being a shy little girl. Learning a new language was hard for me, but I managed.


For a two-month period, I had gotten to know such wonderful and amazing young women from all over the world. It was at a country like surrounding, upstate New York, at a camp over the summer of 2001. Camp Rising Sun put together sixty young women, to form a community to share, to learn about the different cultures and customs that surround us. I learned to live within the community we created and in the process became very close to these unrelated young women. They became my second family, my sisters. A big HOW-HOW to all my CRS sisters. For those who keep on checking if I’m alive (Allonta :)) thank you. Love You All.


I’m a very talkative person when you get me going. I like to brighten people's day, by simply smiling. I’m out going when I have to be. I enjoy meeting new people. One more thing i can be very wilded and crazy!!! soy una loca!! lol


Germany was one of the places that I visited. I got a full scholarship (meaning all expenses) to go to Germany. It was on a program called “THE BRIDGE NEW YORK CITY TO BERLIN.” It was one of the most amazing places. I met my host brother Nils there, who I still keep in touch with. His family hosted me for three days. Anywayz I went to Germany for two weeks, in eleventh grade. I felt like a was a famous movie star, cause the media was all over us. By us, I mean that there were other people as well. All together we were 120, I think. The Hotels were the best part. I shared a room with Ray, this very cool girl. The young people that traveled with me were so cool. A big “goodn tag” (i‘m not sure if that‘s right, but you all know what i'm saying) to all my Germany traveling friends. Hi to Beth, Soraya, Patrick, Jennet, Ray, Larry, Natalya (also a camp sister), Jennifer, Kim, Jasmine

What else can I say? Well right now I'm 18 years old and attend the College of Staten Island. If you wanna know more ask me.

