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Jerry's Home Page-dedicated to all u runnerz

Heres the END sry i let every1 down.. bye forever this is my last update 10.8.04 Oh man, im not gonna go. i mean $27 for runnin 6.2 miles?!?!? dude! thats crazzzzy! $27 should be able to cover 18 miles! but, u know, there iz a $5500 prize $ to the 1st. hahah thatz kewl. i dont think i can do it thou. lotz of ppl...oh well, im not gonna be a sport dude anywayz...kk later Hey Takuya,Kazuya,Mr.Murray,dont forget to sign up quickly be4 itz 2 late! Wow, mr.murray, ur runnin the 4/18 run also? that iz so majorly swt! hmmm hope to c u there! wheew, 6th period pe iz lyk so HOTT! hahahah james, u wanna switch cuz u wanna get a tan?!?! TRUST ME u dont want 6th period!!! anywayz, c all u runnerz at the 10k. hey takuya and kazuya, r u guys gonna go to the running meet 4/18? itz a 10k. yay i can find time to go even thou im gonna miss 1 cys rehersal. itz time to bring back the memoriez.anywayz, tell me if ur going at skool or on aim. oOoo cant wait for an opportunity to try the 1/2 marathon or marathon! id be lyk oOo, ow, jeez, ah, o, eee. and my muscles would be lyk sooo sore for the next week. hahah anywayz, ttyl thx for notifying me don shu shu Alrity kewl, Don ill go to the Febuary race marathon thingy... hahahaha this time ill show them wat im realli made of.XD okok ill start training. O man today waz horrible. Ran toooooo hard right after 2 weeks of eating and being a couch patato. Felt realli sick afterwards. Ill work harder now i mean "a constant training schedule"... alrity thats about it. O yea my xanga has nothing BUT A COOL SONG! upload took a little while though...o well hope my comp. isnt going dead on me. MY GOAL: UPLOAD DIFFERENT SONGS ON MY XANGA WEEKLY so tune in to listen to wat awsum songs i have... Hey and welcome to my web page. So, wat iz ther to talk 'bout? hmmmmm i have always wondered wat it would be lyk to hae a personal web page. well, now i know. Itz pretty kewl. Don, thanx for everything u did to make me a better runner. The 6.2 miles was realli um...interesting.haha didnt know i would come in 2nd place for all men 19 and under. That waz pretty neat. Too bad Tom and Kenta wasnt there lol...HEY MERRY CHRISTMAS! DONT FORGET to extinguish the fire in the chimney before Santa comes in. hey u know wat i just noticed? i live on SANTA teresa Dr. and i never get christmas gifts under the tree even if i leave milk and cookies.that iz so ironic...hmmmmmm, milk must have gone bad before he drank it...oh well.

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Monkiz r cute but unreal ones r bad
xanga haha
