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For Victims...

Like I said before bullying is an enormous problem and if you are the one suffering at the hands of bullies you should know you are not alone. There are many cases of bullying which never get brought to light. Many of these cases, the person or people involved get depressed by the pressure of the bullying.

If you are being bullied you must speak out and talk to someone, this does not have to be your parents it could be another relative, a teacher or even a friend. A lot of people who claim to be bullied find it hard to prove or even hard to explain what is going on. not every one can explain why they are targeted. Just make sure that you speak to somebody.

There are many websites out there that offer advice. I know from experience that bullying can be hard to cope with and that if action is not taken, the problem grows and even follows you home. 

  When is say follows you home I mean it affects you family, you get bad tempered or withdrawn, even if you don't realise it. If you feel stressed, keep away and find something to keep yourself occupied and try to avoid any areas of conflict. Alternatively if you are feeling confident enough confront the ring leader, i.e. the person who causes the most trouble. Ask them questions like why do they give you all this trouble, what is their problem. Remember what ever their reply do not get upset or lose your temper.

A lot of people believe that people who bully have serious personal problems, in some cases I would agree they may have personal problems. Others do have problem may be not personal but what ever they are I bet there hard to spell.

Above all make sure you talk about it.  If it is in school, go to a teacher and be prepared to explain exactly what is going on and if possible who is the culprit. The problem may well be sorted out however you must be prepared for the problem to get worse before it gets better. And remember there is only so much a teacher can do.

I have had experience of bullying my self and I know that the worst thing you can do is let them win. talk to people, don't not do something just because of a bully, don't let them win get it sorted/