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This is an idea for a character.

Tall long haired beauty. Always wears black breeches, white blouse, long black cloak with hood. Sword on side. Rides very large, agressive black war horse. Has wolf friend running along side. wolf was saved from poachers trap and chose to stick with Girl

Ravenfyre Long red hair, Emerald green eyes
Duncan Red haired scott
Duncan is out hunting and hears a lot of hoofbeats on the road behind him. He looks out of the tree line and sees a small cloaked figure bent over the neck of a very large black horse which is covered in lather. The horse's nostrils are flaring in unisin of his large stride.
Behind them Duncan sees about a dozen armored men on horseback, chasing the black horse down.
The black horse stumbles with exahustion and the rider falls to the ground and rolls.
Scrambling to it's feet, the rider unsheaths a sword from under their cloak and readies for the onslaught from the surrounding men. They slide from their horses and surround the small rider.
A fight ensues... During the fight, a large grey wolf comes running out of the trees and jumps into the frey, attacking one of the men. The man goes down as the wolf tears at his arm, all the while snarling and growling. Seeing the wolf attacking his fellow man, another man turns and throws his dagger, hitting the wolf in the neck. The wolf goes down with a yelp and tries to get up. The man the wolf attacked, finishes the wolf off.
To the fallen rider turns, hearing the yelp, and renews all the efforts of the fight, making way towards the downed wolf.
Duncan starts towards the fight, knowning there is no fairness in such an uneven fight.
As Duncan makes his way towards the fight, the rider finally reaches the wolf. Dropping to the side of the wolf, the rider reaches out, touching the wolf's fur. A low throated sound emerges from the rider, and throwing off the hood of the cloak, the rider stands and swings around, sword in hand.
Duncan stops, seeing the small figure stand with bright red hair streaming down the back of the black cloak. Very startled to see the small figure is a girl, he starts running towards the frey, pulling his sword from it's scabbard.