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JUNE 28 2002

play wit me guys at morning 2 night and always go to the channel and try to recruit that means you Shao_khan!

JUNE 29 2002

2 day i couldnt play 4rm morning to the night or afternoon and still i need moe strategies!

JUNE 30 2002

nothin to do do except we have 3 new recruits

JUNE 31 2002

Sorry guys i have mested up my calender.

JULY 1 2002

today we need to have others recruiting and tell me who did u recruit either on sc or e-mail me at

JULY 2 2002

Today we have a new membe.nuthin else.

JULY 3 2002

Today i couldnt play because the computer needed a rest for today sorry eoup about the 7'oclock thing

JULY 4 2002

im playing or at the beach That day someone else must recruit plz and tell me who it is!

JULY 5 2002

nothin to do today

JULY 6 2002

today we have a new recruit and i'm finally having strategies and other buttons

JULY 7 2002

nuthin 2 do today but play

JULY 8 2002

nuthing 2 do today

JULY 9 2002

today me smethport and seany...khan beat 3 computers.

JULY 10 2002

today i posted our advertising logo at the bottom of the main page!

JULY 11 2002

today there is nuthin to do there might be a meeting coming soon though!

JULY 12 2002

today there is nothin to do we almost had a bot but it was hard to use him then it died on me

JULY 13 2002

Today our clan was getting our first bot again it died on two of us

JULY 14 2002

today we havent seen most of our members today we also added a new member also always add them to your list

JULY 15 2002

Theirs a tournament coming today at 1pm west side it will be in europe all members come

JULY 16 2002

the tournament idid not come out good.

JULY 17 2002

today the wbsite needs more strategies and u guys should check the news a lot!

JULY 18 2002

today are clan is dying slowly as they speak like death and newbie say that

JULY 19 2002

our clan is regaining slowly but still we need to recruit!

JULY 20 2002

today there is nothin much to do

July 21 2002

Hello the website is being work and tell me something so i could put it on the site thx

JULY 22 2002

we r looking for strategies cause u guys dont give any!=(

JULY 23 2002

today we r thinking of strategies

JULY 24 2002

nothin to do

JULY 25 2002

was up back and playing whoever asked about me quitiing the clans a lie i put 3 leaders cause i was not going to play for a while and some one has to keep up the clan which is the people that always go on seany and newbie

JULY 26 2002

today i didnt play but that doesnt mean i quit the clan also new strategies are up

JULY 27 2002

nothing today

JULY 28 2002

today i might erase some members name cause they do not show ne more

JULY 29 2002

well theres been some trouble on the clan not much showed up so i might recruit

JULY 30 2002

today theres a new member

August 1

4got to write news yesterday but theres was nothing to do today cause i was not on

AUGUST 2 2002

theres not a lot i might recruit
