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Kosovo KFOR5B

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On Oct. 10, 2003 I was mobilized with the 1-113 Cav.  After completing our mobilization process at Ft. Stewart, GA we will go to Kosovo for a six month rotation starting in early 2004. Stay tuned for new pics and updates!!

Sendoff Ceremony

Formation before our sendoff in Des Moines

I said goodbye to mom & dad

Lindsey and me at the sendoff

We arrived at Ft. Stewart and began our premobilization training.  Our mission in Kosovo is peacekeeping.  As a medic, I am looking forward to the opportunity to go on MEDCAPS where we will set up clinics in some of the villages in Kosovo.

Lindsey, Jessi & Me before Christmas break

Mo & Me in the barracks


Camp Oliver Pictures

At Camp Oliver we practiced medical scenarios which we could encounter during our deployment