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Hello and welcome to Kerrie's Kreations!!
First off I would like to take the time to say Thank You for stopping by. With all there is to see out there on the net I am so glad you could find the time to stop by and explore my little iota of space.
I had a website before but that was using editors, and I have since learned the art of HTML!! OH boy what an undertaking. So here we go from scratch. So hopefully each day or two I will be able to add another page for you to view so don't forget to come back and see what surprises I might have in store for you. Actually might be a surprise to me too!! LOL

What's this site going to be about you might ask?? Well let me answer that question for you. ANYTHING my little heart desires at the moment~smiles~. Actually I am going to start off by doing pages for the members of my family, some special friends that have helped me through some rough spots, I would like to eventually offer some adoptables, websets, have a causes page, and anything else that catches my fancy. It will take me a while to get all this up there but be patient with me I just might one day get it all done!~grins~
So go and grab yourself a cup of coffee, tea or whatever calms you, kick back put your feet up and enter my own little claim to fame on the net, I will wait for you inside ~big smiles~

Isn't this just the cutest?? Ok so I may be getting old but everyone still loves Winnie and friends right? ~blush~Actually a really good friend of mine made this for me so that I wouldn't go into this without anything to show on my pages!! What a sweetie!!

Isn't that the truth though??

Within this group I have joined two different committees, the first one is called the creators group. For more information on this group please click on the banner below and be transported to my "Homework" page

A second group I have joined within WOSIB is the Designer Committee. This is a great place where we get to create pics, sets, stationary, for other members within wosib. So if you love to create for others this would be a place for you
Designed By Women
Designed By Women
Site Is Owned By

Kerrie Hughes

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Don't forget to sign the guestbook .....How else will I know you were here and who to send the clean up bill too...LOL

Want to send me a private message or just to offer some suggestions. Please feel free to click the link below and send me an email! I would love to hear from you!!

All content and graphics on this site are the property of Kerrie's Kreations and may not be taken and/or used without written permission from the webmistress
Copyright © 2003 Kerrie's Kreations