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I Love You Jirair, Now and Forever

Silence. Not the silence for lack of sound but the variation that chimed with anticipation, emotion, nerves. Anger, fear and below those a deep, resounding hope. All beat in that silence that masked the night. Pure, uninterrupted, pounding silence. That was what engulfed the mercurial form that slipped, wraith-like, from its dwelling and out into the inky blackness that cloaked its home. The whisper of foot-to-stone was the only sound that punctuated that ringing silence. It was a new moon and not even the stars shone on this night, blanketed instead by a layer of protean clouds stained in shadow.

The form is decidedly female.

With an urgent motion, she sprints the last block, resting in the end before she takes another look around. Beyond the indistinct forms of man-made structure lay the imperturbable forest, its hulking guards non-descript with liquid night, their vibrant canopies darkened to midnight hues as well. Taking a deep, shuddering breath, she cast one more furtive glance behind her before slipping into the protection of the silent sentinels that stood watch over this sacred domain.

Only then does she remove her hood, pushing it back to reveal dark hair and large green eyes, though it is even more obscured by dappled shadow and creeping mist. The deepening gloom makes her features unremarkable, despite the slash of white that runs the length of her hair. Taking a deep breath, she delved deeper into the shady wood, her deep green eyes fastened before her as she listens attentively to her surroundings.

Where are we meeting him, Kairen?

The piping mind-voice of Tsuna cuts into her thoughts, sending them winging away in all directions and she jumps, painfully aware of all that surrounds her.

I don’t know Tsuna…I’m playing this by chance. He said he’d find me, that I didn’t have to find him. But Tsuna, how will I tell him?

The tiny sparrow that is Kairen’s Analog landed with no sound, her tiny wings folding easily in on her body with a whisper of feathers. She cocks her minute head to the side and over-bright eyes regard her bonded in distress. As it was with all bonded, Tsuna and Kairen shared that connection not only in mind, but in emotion as well and Tsuna was not dull enough to ignore the power of the emotion that radiated from Kairen.

Shhh, shhh. It’ll be alright. He said he loves you more than his own life. Surely that must mean something. Shhh, shhh. He’ll come, he’ll come.

Kairen reached upward to stroke her tiny companion in a thankful manner. But before she could open her mouth to reply, a calloused hand clamped over it, cutting off all sound that she might have hoped to utter.

Kairen. It’s me. Silence now. Not a word.

The hand withdrew from her lips but Kairen grasped it and allowed herself to be pulled along, Tsuna in pursuit. Soon Jirair had reached a clearing and he pulled Kairen into a deep kiss made her faint before she fell back.

Oh, by the Foxlord, Kairen, I thought you’d never make it. Are you alright? Did anyone follow you?

Kairen shook her head mutely, too shocked at him having actually found her and at the realization that she would have to reveal her secret at last.

Jirair…I…I have to tell you something.

It can wait, Kairen, can’t it? We’re still too close. Someone could hear us.

He reached for her hand and pulled her deeper into the wood. When at last they were deep enough, he allowed her to sit. She froze for a moment at the entry of Avak, Jirair’s analog. The red fox slunk silently to Jirair and settled its silken body at his feet. Jirair took no notice. Kairen sank slowly to the stone and her large green eyes came up to meet his gray ones.

Jirair…I…this is important.

He frowned slightly, tilting his head.

What is it Kairen? I’ll do anything for you. You know that.

Kairen nodded, looking at her hands. It was a moment before she collected her thoughts and put them to words.

Jirair…I am…I mean….do you remember that night about three months ago?

Jirair was frowning, his brow crinkled, but he nodded, a dreamy look coming over his face at the remembrance. Kairen twisted her hands, looking for words.

I…Jirair, I’m pregnant.

There. It was out in the open and there was no going back. Her precious secret was now no longer hers to guard. She sat, looking at her hands for some time before lifting her emerald eyes and facing him. Jirair sat facing her, speechless, smoky eyes wide. One hand reached out, stroking her dark hair and running a hand down her silver streak before she shook his head slowly.

Pregnant. And…well…you’re sure then…

That you’re the father? Yes, Jirair, of that I’m certain.

Jirair ran a hand through his reddish-brown hair, in shock. Tears splashed over Kairen’s lashes, spilling down her sun-dark face. Jirair quickly embraced her, pulling her into a deep hug, rocking her.

S’ alright Kairen. We’ll get through this. But first I have to…

What he had to do never became clear because a sharp sound alerted them to something coming behind, followed by a heartfelt curse. Jirair leapt to his feet, clutching Kairen to his chest in a final embrace before pushing her away, his eyes blazing. His sword was bare and the ring of steel filled the air as he readied himself.

Go, Kairen! Protect our child!

Jirair, no! Come with me!

Go, Kairen! Now!

He gave her a rough shove and again turned, readying himself for the oncoming rush of attackers. Kairen was sobbing, but she turned and fled, Tsuna in swift pursuit. Behind her, she heard underbrush snapping and the sound of steel being drawn. With terror in her green eyes she fled, listening to that eternal silence as it shattered around her, now chaotic with the yelps and screeches of analogs and the clash of steel on steel. A sudden call whispered to her, and she sobbed harder. Jirair’s voice.

I love you, Kairen, now and forever!Her muscles burned and her breathing was labored, and after a long time she finally allowed them rest, sinking to the moist soil with tears still falling down her cheeks.He’s gone! Tsuna, he’s gone!Tsuna’s mind-voice was equally full of pain, but she responded to Kairen in comfort, her voice pitched to overcome her sadness.

Kairen, he loves you. You have to take care of that child. It’s his! You have to, Kairen.

Kairen let her last tears fall before she rose, weak and exhausted, still gasping for breath. Slowly, she made her way back to the clearing where she had heard Jirair’s last words.

I love you, Kairen, now and forever.

His body lay on the ground in the clearing midst five others, dispatched by Jirair’s blade. Yet he was dead. Regardless of how many he had killed, he was dead. Kairen wanted to die too. But she had made a promise to Jirair. She would survive and bear his child in his memory. She lay her dark head upon his breast, sobbing all over again, yet to her shock, a faint flutter still beat in his chest. Jirair lived, if barely. She found Avak, scratched but not mortally wounded. For months she cared for him until finally he was strong enough to stand, if still delirious, and she aided him back to a healer’s. There she left him to heal and she moved on, her heart in his hand. Yet she had caused him too much pain. As she left, she murmered the words that he had spoken to her before he had willingly given his heart and soul over to her protection.

I love you Jirair, now and forever.