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Video Game Cheats
Clear the game. and a Bandai e-mail will tell you about something called a "Mummy Ship". The extra boss is inside. Kite's best weapon Data Drain the MU Guardians until you manage to steal the L14 Dual Blade. Magic refill>BR> .hack has the same functions just like Eternal Darkness, and Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain, .hack lets your characters regain magic (or SP) over time. Just find a safe place to hide untill your magic refills. Collect the Ryu Book There are eight Ryu Books in Infection. Collect them all by random data drains to unlock a unique movie on Infection. Black Rose best weapon Data Draining the Hell Hounds in a Level 28 to 30 key word, such as Voluptuous Geothermal Paradise to get the Blaze Sword. The Blaze Sword works well with all heavy blade characters. Free items In any room with breakable items like pots, the items respawn after you leave the room. Aquire Goblin Gear Your party will discover 5 keywords during the game. Each area the keywords dump your party in, you will be asked to play tag with one of five goblins. Attack the goblin when you get within range, and Data Drain them for a goblin item. When you acquire all five Goblin items, equip them then you can use the Imp Pin which summons goblins to fight with your party. Aquire Gold and Silver Axes You must warp to a stage where there is a mysterious pool of water. You can throw in armor and weapons to level them up, or receive a Gold or Silver Axe. To get the axes,throw in piece of weapon or armor into the pool. A water drop monster will appear and ask you if you want a gold axe, a silver axe, or neither. Pick neither. If the weapon or armor you threw in hasn't reached a certain level it will be upgraded, if it's level is to high then you will receive a free gold and silver axes as well as get your item back. Great way to build up a stock pile of Gold and Silver Axes to sell to receive money. Japanese version Parady Mode To unlock Parody Mode, beat the game and a new joke parady dialogue track will be unlocked. Only works for the Japanese version