Picture Page
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The Pictures Page

These are all pictures I made using my master skills of microsoft paint and adobe photoshop 4.0.1.

The Pictures

Istbu makes an appearance in Iraq. [Saddam]
Istbu visits Afghanistan. [Osama]
Istbu takes a trip back in time to world war II. [Hitler]
Still stuck in WWII. [Stalin]
Now we stop by President Bush's ranch in Crawford Texas (i'm the 3rd from the right). [Bush]
We go as the North Korean dictator to visit Russia. [Kim Jong Il]
Istbu helped revolutionize the Chinese people. [Mao Tse Tung]
We recently won our first Emmy Award. [Emmy]
Isbu's first appearance in a featured film. [The Last Isbu]
Istbu's secound featured film. [Lord of the Rings]
We take a trip to visit the French. [Napoleon]
Justin Loves you [Justin's finger]
