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Java tutorials

Datewise list.
Lesson 1
Getting started.
Lesson 2
Comparison with C.
Lesson 3
Flow of control in a Java program.
Lesson 4
Java access mechanism.
Lesson 5
Object Oriented Programming (OOP).
Lesson 6
Data encapsulation principles.
Lesson 7
Message passing.
Lesson 8
Inheritance: creating new classes from old.
Lesson 9
Summary of inheritance.
Lesson 10
Lesson 11
Graphical User Interface (GUI): part I
Lesson 12
Graphical User Interface (GUI): part II
Lesson 13
Graphical User Interface (GUI): part III
Lesson 14
Packages and classpath.
Lesson 15
Java help system.
Lesson 16
Graphical User Interface (GUI): part IV
Lesson 17
Graphical User Interface (GUI): part V
Lesson 18
Threads I
Lesson 19
Threads II
Lesson 20
Lesson 21
Lesson 22
Lesson 23
An example
Lesson 24
Lesson 25
Lesson 26
Lesson 27

Nice sites with Java

Here are some cool Java stuff in the web. These are mostly games. We shall not bother much about writing game applets in our course. We shall learn "serious" java, but still looking at java games often helps to elucidate ideas, and in fact the game programs are often much more complicated than the "serious" things.
Good site with some simple but nice games written in Java. Also, there are some ideas about how "platform dependence" might creep into a Java program. In particular, I like the online rubik cube.
A huge collection of Java games. Not all are great, though! But some certainly are. The animation of the arcade game Wiz3 is really nice.
Prof David Joyce has written this applet to go with the online version of Euclid's famous book the Elements. This is a lot simpler than the game applets.
Here's an applet that teaches you FFT interactively. The Java code is explained step by step in the second half of the article. (You may have to skip over explanations about what FFT is etc)