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The Smackdown Rivalry Leaders

Players are ranked following this order:
Total, Untied, Total PA, Total SA, Untied PA, Untied SA.


Click on the difficulty settings to see individual difficulty rankings.

Rank Player Agent Special Agent Perfect Agent Total
1 Oh Jimmity 15 (11) 13 (10) 9 (9) 37 records (30 untied)
2 KillerSim7 3 (1) 8 (6) 10 (9) 21 records (16 untied)
3 Dark0Perfection 5 (4) 2 (1) 3 (2) 10 records (7 untied)
4 Renemesis 4 (1) 2 (1) 0 (0) 6 records (2 untied)

Top 5 Agents

Best players in Agent mode.

Rank Player Records
1 Oh Jimmity 15 records (11 untied)
2 Dark0Perfection 5 records (4 untied)
3 Renemesis 4 records (1 untied)
4 KillerSim7 3 records (1 untied)
5 Fal 1 records (0 untied)

Top 5 Special Agents

Best players in Special Agent mode.

Rank Player Records
1 Oh Jimmity 13 records (10 untied)
2 KillerSim7 8 records (6 untied)
3 Dark0Perfection 2 records (1 untied)
3 Renemesis 2 records (1 untied)
5 Fal 0 records (0 untied)

Top 5 Perfect Agents

Best Players in Perfect Agent mode.

Rank Player Records
1 KillerSim7 10 records (9 untied)
2 Oh Jimmity 9 records (9 untied)
3 Dark0Perfection 3 records (2 untied)
4 Fal 0 records (0 untied)
4 Renemesis 0 records (0 untied)

Last update January 12, 2003 8:14 PM
Program Copyright (c) 2000 by
Derek Kisman
Copyright (c) 2000 by Rare / Nintendo®

Updated by Fal