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KuFu's Fortress
Thursday, 5 August 2004
once again.
my day was as normal as it always is. wake up late, sit my lazy ass at my computer for hours and hours... only getting up to sniff my dog or eat, call my friend and get blown off again (not her fault once again), think about making plans but don't, think about doing my work or read but i don't... thats my average day. im fucked up, if you didn't notice. im not proud... yet too ____(adjective) to care. anyway, after that, i drove some places and then took a friend out to get a blizzard at dairy queen. i saw this dude inside again... last time when i was at dairy queen he was there as well. anyway, came home, finished installing the classic unreal g.o.t.y... good stuff... beat my friend in it (badly).. he can't accept defeat unfortunately :P. then back to my computer... doing nothingggggggggg at all. oh yea i had mcdonalds for dinner. ty sis.

besides that... i wanted to join my friend's dojang... she's lonely there. and also learning tae kwon do would be cool. but my mom doesn't wanna drive that far all the time... so i get my license october 26th... or that's approximately when im valid to get a license. THEN i'll join it. hopefully she'll still want me there. since the grand opening hasn't taken place... she probably won't need me anymore. o well.

so its fucking late... 5:08. i have to get up kind of early... leave to pick up my check at the JCC because for some stupidass reason on this specific paycheck they don't mail it... u have to go get it.. wtf is up with that. anyway, my sister has a doctors appointment so i either can wait at the jcc and read or wait at the doctors place (not a normal doctor and i dont feel comfortable sitting in that place). and i have to read during that time. damn this. but then again.. when i compare my life to other's.... it's not THAT bad. hm.

after that, we're goin to the airport to pick up my friend from albany, new york. he's an old neighborhood friend and we're close. he's stayin till tuesday. sorry if i don't post until then... but i don't know why im sorry because i don't have an audience yet :P. nite

Posted by falcon/inazuma at 4:49 AM EDT
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Wednesday, 4 August 2004
The rest of my day/night was fine. I watched alot of smallville (I'm downloading it). i really like that show. i also like cartoons. classic cartoons are great. i need to watch those again. ANYWHO. i also talked to a friend and talked alot... and realized that we had SO much in common.. it's crazy how much in common we have. so i'm pretty happy about that... another person to talk to. besides that... i need to get out of my habit of staying up late. its fucking 5:15 a.m. and last nite i stayed up till 6:15... so i need to sleep... IMA.

btw i talked to my parents. and they wont let me take tae kwon do at my friends dojang because it's too far away... she wants me to pick a location that's closer. fuck that. i'll wait till i get a license and join my friend's dojang. that won't be until... the end of october though. dam. nite

Posted by falcon/inazuma at 4:55 AM EDT
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Tuesday, 3 August 2004
bad day...
today is just a shitty day for me... it was fine until my friend called me.. we had planned on doing something tonight... and then she said her mom wouldn't let her... this is definitely not the first time this has happened... i don't understand her mom... i really don't understand her either.. but i need to talk with her in person and it almost seems like shes pulling me away.. i dont know. then... i occupied myself for a bit.. and then my friend IMed me and i dont feel like explaining it but him and another friend online are being real bitches... and im already in a bad mood. then my cousin and my sister wouldnt answer me... and then im trying to resolve things with a friend of mine but its complicated and i want the person to understand. but its like im being pulled away. i feel like kicking someones ass... fuck this. why cant people just understand. you kno... i think im one of those people who are real nice... and i get angry sometimes... and im never mean, but i bet in like a few years or something im just gonna let out all my anger and it wont be pretty. gdi.

Posted by falcon/inazuma at 6:56 PM EDT
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Decisions decisions....
Should I take tae kwon do? I can't decide... I did take aikido once... a beginners class... but i didn't like their... what's it called.. techniques... like the idea of so much grappling and throwing... that was at the beginning of my summer break. now... tae kwon do sounds cool... but it's weird because it's my friends parents who own it.. and she's a good friend of mine.. and it would almost seem embarassing. so i don't know. i'll think it over.

Posted by falcon/inazuma at 4:49 AM EDT
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Yo... this is my first blog entry... hopefully my website will soon be interesting... so be patient until then :P.

So, today I slept in until 2:20, I rarely sleep in that late... but I havn't got much sleep lately... I've been staying up till at least 4 in the morning... sometimes 5 sometimes 6... I really need to get out of this habit. Then... I was on my computer the majority of the day, at one point I went and picked up a game (unreal tournament g.o.t.y. edition) so I could install it on my computer... so I installed the game.. and it worked, I actually own it but the cd is too scratched up. So then, a friend blew me off.. I guess it's ok though. I'm pretty used to it by now, it wasn't her fault. Anyway, I got together with another friend and he took me and we played some DDR.. im extremely out of shape... I was exhausted after 6 songs... which is not normal for me. My legs were collapsing and I was totally out of breath. So we went to his house... I let him install unreal tournament on both of his computers.. and we played for a little bit, with a 3rd friend too. It was fun. BTW i drove to his house earlier... I was happy about that. I have my permit.. and I try to drive anywhere I can. So I went home... btw i had like no food today... no breakfast or lunch... only a small dinner. I mean i'm already skinny... wtf. im skinny, out of shape, not eating... this sucks. right now i'm only interested in candy. bad habit.

tonite i had to choose from... sour gummi worms, reese pieces (not cups) junior mints, zours, reese sticks, or cheese crackers. it was a very tough choice... but i ended up choosing SOUR GUMMI WORMS. and OMG it's... 22 grams of sugar per serving... 1 serving = 6 worms... thats alot of sugar if you compare that to other candy. i have a feeling unless i stop this habit my teeth wont be looking too great when im older. and i did i mention the 2 cokes i drank.. jeez whats my problem.

Posted by falcon/inazuma at 4:33 AM EDT
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