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Final Limit Breaks

This Page has all of the locations for the final limit breaks of all of the carecters. The only exception is Cait Sith because he only has up to level 2. You will have to get Aeris's pretty early in the game because you can't use it after Disc 1. These limit breaks are items that must be used on a character in order for them to learn the limit break. To be able to use the item you must have all previous limit breaks for that character.

OMNISLASH - Buy for 32000 BP in the Gold Saucer's Battle Square
GREAT GOSPEL - You have to have had over 600 fights to get this. Go to the cave in the mountains behind Midgar. If the last 2 digits of the fights you've had are the same e.g. 622 then the man will give you a mythrill. Take this to the weapon shop near Gongaga and exchange it for the item in the safe up the stairs. This is Great Gospel, Aeris's Level 4 Limit Break
FINAL HEAVEN - Put Tifa in your party and go to her house in Nibelheim in Disc 2 or 3. Play this tune on the piano, X - S - T - R1+T - R1+S - X - S - T - R1+X - O - X - S - X. (S = square, T = triangle)
CATASTROPHE - Get from the woman in the tent at North Corel after stopping the train crashing
COSMO MEMORY - Get from the safe in Nibelheim Mansion after defeating Lost Number
ALL CREATION - Defeat the Wutai Pagoda
HIGHWIND - In the big Cargo Room in the Sunken Gelnika Plane
CHAOS - Get from Lucrecia in the waterfall (Second time you go there)
