JUNE 12th, 2003

CrAzY fO sHaZy

Name- [Kristen Anna-Marie Saunders]

Age- [12]

Height- [4'10"]

Weight- [89 lbs.]

Hair- [Brown, To My Shoulders]

Eyes- [Blue]

(ok, want more info. on me, just go into my buddy profile on my other sn, letseatkristen)

NOOS- Ok, ok, now im actually gonna start talkin about somethin worth talkin about. Kristen and Dani day is today, make sure to get us lotsa cool gifts, or maybe just say hi. Kari is the person of the month, be sure to give her a hug! (and maybe a kiss! :guys only:) Today I plan on going over to Dani's House, where we will throw a party!! Yay! Today will be super awesome! And even if my momma won't let me go, my sister's going to 2 movies so she won't be here, and then We'll just throw the party here! YES! :-p I'll write in here what happens,, lets see,, either tomarrow or later on today at like, hmm lets see, maybe midnight or something close to it. :-DYes! I finally got a counter! I'm so excited to find out how many people will actually look at this thing! LoL! Thanks for veiwing! You're a real pal!

This week's quote is-
"The clock is laughing in my face." ~ Insomniac- Greenday
This month's person of the month is-
You don't really win anything, but you'll get a free pass to go to Danielle and Kristen day!! It's this Saturday, and me and Dani are throwing a fabulous party! Congratulations!

Well, I guess that's all I really have to say, so I'm goin ta go... I'll miss this webby! I'll update it later on today! Today is Friday, July 11, 2003, and it is 10:39 AM.

Talk to ya l8er!

XoXoXo- .:*-KrIsSy-*:.

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