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Out of Battle

Psynergy PP Needed People Affected Description Type
Avoid 5 One Encounter fewer monsters Mercury
Cloak 1 One Hide in shadows Mercury
Cure Poison 2 One Cleanse body of poison Mercury
Douse 5 Three Attack with a surge of water Mercury
Frost 5 Three Attack with frigid blasts Mercury
Lift 2 One Lift a heavy object up Mercury
Parch 2 One Evaporate standing water Mercury
Ply 4 One Restore 100 HP Mercury
Ply Well 8 One Restore 200 HP Mercury
Pure Ply 12 One Restore 1000 HP Mercury
Restore 3 One Remove all status affects Mercury
Wish 9 Whole Party Restore 80 HP to everyone Mercury
Wish Well 13 Whole Party Restore 160 HP to everyone Mercury
Pure Wish  20 Whole Party Restore 400 HP Mercury
Carry 2 One Move light objects Venus
Catch 1 One Grab light objects from afar Venus
Cure 3 One Restore 70 HP Venus
Cure Well 7 One Restore 150 HP Venus
Potent Cure 10 One Restore 300 HP Venus
Grind 2 One Destroy large objects Venus
Growth 4 One Attack with wild plants Venus
Revive 15 One Revive a downed ally Venus
Retreat 6 One  Return to the entrance Venus
Sand 2 One Melt into sand Venus
Scoop 1 One Dig in soft ground Venus
Tremor 1 One Shake objects left and right Venus
Aura 7 Whole Party Restore 50 HP to everyone Mars
Healing Aura 11 Whole Party Restore 100 HP to everyone Mars
Cool Aura 16 Whole Party Restore 200 HP to everyone Mars
Blaze 1       One Manipulate flames Mars
Burst 2 One Break cracked objects Mars
Move 2 One Move an object Mars
Pound  2 One Drive objects into the ground Mars
Cyclone 2 One Conjure wind to scatter weeds Jupiter
Halt 2 One Stop a moving object Jupiter
Hover 2 One Hover in the air Jupiter
Lash 1 One Attach a rope from far away Jupiter
Mind Read 1 One Read someone's mind Jupiter
Reveal 1 One Perceive hidden truths Jupiter
Teleport 3 One Teleport at will Jupiter
Whirlwind 5 Three Attack with a swirling tornado Jupiter
Force 2 One Strike a distant object Neutral