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Alaska Bears by John Muir
Grizzly Bear Page

Recent Bear Story The following two pictures are of a guy (and a Bear he encountered) who works for the forest service in Alaska. He was out deer hunting. A large...large (did I say LARGE?) world record Grizzly charged him from about 50 yards away. The guy unloaded a 7mm Mag Semi-auto into the bear and it dropped a few feet from him. The Bear was still alive, so he reloaded and capped it in the head. It weighed over one thousand, six hundred pounds, 12'6" high at the shoulder. It's a world record. The bear had killed a couple of other people and was being hunted by other forest service and Game personnel. Of course, the Game department did not let him keep it. Think about it. This animal on it's hind legs could walk up to the average single story house and rest his elbows on the roof!