Technology: Is it worth it?
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     Have you ever wondered what technology is? Well, I will tell you. Technology, we all use it. What is it exactly? The definition in Webster’s Dictionary is the science of the practical or industrial arts. A better definition is any advance that changes the way in which something is done. Examples of technology which have changed the way that things are done are things such as paper, computers, etc. Technology is any advance that changes the way something is done, such as: paper, computers, and even pencils.

     Technology has come a long way from what it was even just twenty years ago. Twenty years ago very few people even had anything to do with computers, except for a select few people. However, computers are not the only form of technology, inherently everything is technology. Someone had to come up with the idea for the ice cube machine. Someone had to implement lights inside of microwaves; they did not just put themselves there. Technology comes in all shapes, sizes, forms, and colors even if it doesn’t seem to make any sense. The most mundane things are a form of technology. Everything, in its own way, is technology.

     Think of technology as paper. Paper has been being used for over 3000 years. During the times of Ancient Egypt and China (argument as to which created paper), do you think that paper was a completely new technological breakthrough? Yes, it was. Paper was a revolutionary idea that is still in use today. We as a culture are brainwashed at a young age to believe in the use of paper. This is why the advancement of technology is so vital. We have been stuck using the same technology for 3000 years. It is time for a change!

     Even this webpage was designed using newer technology. Computers have made communication of long distances easier, information is readily available to the public, and people are becoming used to having to work on a computer. Life changes each day before our eyes. Computers are the much the same. Computers have evolved from the first one, Eniac which took up a whole room by itself and could only do basic math computations, to things the size of a cell phone. With each of these new inovations with computers brings the human race closer to technolgical enlightenment. With computers becoming faster and smarter, it makes life for humans easier as the work that must be done to keep things going smoothly can be more efficently done by the computer itself.

     Technology today is considered by many to be just computers, but this is a misconception of the term technology. There are all sorts of new technology available on the market today. Everything from new types of ink pens to new top-of-the-line computers. Technology is an everyday thing. Think of the most mundane thing that you can. Take pencils for example. Pencils have come a long way from their origins. Originally they were sometimes charcoal or other such materials in which to record information. Then came the concept of graphite, it is what truly revolutionized the pencil. Pencils were now able to write on almost anything including paper. The graphite was incased in an outer wooden shell, which gave people a place to hold. Eventually this new revolution became out dated as a new revolution happened.

Computers across the years (left to right): Eniac (the 1st), an old Apple, a more recent desktop, a Mac Powebook, Nanotechnology

     The invention of the mechanical pencil started that “revolution.” Mechanical pencils made a world of difference with writing. The fact that they could be reloaded and could also have a new eraser put on them made them a wonderful invention because instead of having to buy a whole new pencil you could just refill them. Even today mechanical pencils continue to become more and more modern with the inclusion of pads with which to hold onto them. This makes them very comfortable to use if you have to write for a long time. Pencils have come a long way in their long existence.

     Even something as simple as a pencil can be traced back through a chain of technological revolutions. Technology is a good thing and should be researched so that we can all lead better lives by the use of new technology. It will come whether or not you embrace it, so the easiest way to accept it would be to embrace the new technology. As in the above example, technology is everywhere. Sometimes things don’t seem like they are technology, however most if not everything is technology.

     Technology is a wonderful thing that everyone is involved with in one way or another. People all use technology, some use more technology than others in their everyday lives, such as Computer Majors. Others, like Music Majors, don’t use them nearly as much. There are many other groups that do and do not use computers. However, everyone uses technology in one way or another. This is one of the inevitable facts of life. The increase of technology is a good thing and everyone feels the advantages of it.