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‘Oh, I found it!’ you think as you stumble upon the small house. ‘Finally!’

You had been walking for over an hour, trying to find the mysterious ‘Ivy House.’ A friend had given you this bent and torn map to guide you. Breaking into a run, you go to the door of the small, but nice-looking, house.

You now know why it is called the Ivy House. From head to toe it is covered in lush, emerald-green ivy. Almost nothing can be seen, except small windows and little brown window panes.

Stepping upon the welcome mat, which is a cheery dark-red colour, you knock upon the door. You hear the scrape of chairs beng pushed out inside, and almost instantly, a girl comes to the door.

“Why, hello! I’m so sorry,” she says as she leads you into her home, “my house is a bit messy. I wasn’t expecting visitors.”

You smile and apologize for coming without giving notice first. The girl laughs.

“Oh, it’s okay. No one does.”

Looking around the room, you notice two cozy chairs in the middle, a table, a stove, and a bed in the corner. It really isn’t very large.

The girl asks you to sit, and brews up some sweet-smelling tea. She passes a glass over to you and sits in the chair opposite yours, delicatly sipping the steaming drink.

“So, you have come about the duvs?” she finally asks. You nod in response.

“Good,” she says, smiling. “They need more people like you. If you would do me a favor, and read the rules, I shall be glad to let you have one.”

Read the rules