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Duvs mate for life. So, be veeeeerrry choosy about who your duv is going to be a mate with, because once they are mates, there's no backing out. The duvs must be opposite genders and from different litters. Once your duv has a suitable mate, they can breed, and both can keep an egg: if you have a suitable website for it. ^_^ I'm also thinking about having some contests in which you can only enter if your duv has a mate.... It's a work in progress, though.

If your duv and another duv have decided to mate, e-mail (the link is at the bottom of the page) me this form. BOTH parents must send it.

Duvs name:
Duvs URL:
Duvs mate:
Duvs mates URL:


Once your duv has a mate (read above) it may breed. Duvs can have 3 – 20 eggs in a litter, but some may be stillborn (born dead), and there is always the chance that the breeding might not make babes. Only apply for a breeding once every month. BOTH PARENTS send me this form at the e-mail address at the bottom of the page:

Duvs name:
Duvs URL:
Duvs mate:
Duvs mates URL:
Do you want an egg?:
If you put 'Yes' to the question above, then what is the eggs URL?:

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