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Okay, this whole affirmative action case is, in my humble opinion, silly. It's so unbelievably hypocritical it's humorous. See, it's okay for blacks to have their own all-black colleges-you know: empowerment. But white people having schools with less than 16% (depending on school) minority groups?!?!?! RACIST BASTARDS! You see, you can't have it both ways. And yet people can't seem to deal with that. For example, in comedy class yesterday, my teacher, you know, the one setting examples for future generations, gave us an assignment. Tell a joke in class tomorrow. No racist or ethnic jokes. When questioned further, she said sexist and blonde jokes were okay, because 'People know they are false'. What? Are you implying that Jewish & African American peoples fit the stereotypes? Or that we are simply stupid and can't differentiate between truth and humor? Or are you just talking shit? Hmm... 'Also blondes have not been persecuted for hundreds of years' Really?!? That's news to me. Have you ever