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The Greatest Summer Ever!!!
This is my website descrbing what will hopefully be the greatest summer ever. I have had several rather horrible summers and I have decided that this one is going to be the best one yet. I have several goals that I want to accomplish this summer:

1)Run every morning when I wake up (so I can fit into that black bikini, well I can fit into it now but I want to look good in it.

2)Get rid of my acne. It's been around since forever and I am ready to have it leave permanently.

3)Become somewhat cool. I am a dork, plain and simple. But since I will be starting high school at a brand new school where no one knows me so maybe I can become somewhat popular.

4)Meet a guy that might somewhat like me. This one is the impossible one. No guy has liked me my whole life and if they did like me I wish they would have told me so I could have higher self-esteem.

Those are my goals, possible? Yes, except the last one. Here's to hoping they come true! Cheers!

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