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Welcome to Grant's Website!!



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Welcome to my Web site!

Finally complete, Well what's up everyone how yall been doing? Well welcome to my website. I wanna give a shout out to everyone I met at Durley... and I wanna give a shout out 2 my girl Daci (always thinkin abou u) and to by BEST FRIEND Harrison and to BOBBY EUGENE RON AND JAMES... TO MY GF DARCI I LOVE YOU!!! and to all the rest of my friends.... Thankx for visitin and hope u liked it. BE SURE to fill out my guest book and my feedback form, THANKX A LOT!


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Look at my new online photo album filled with pictures from my vacations, sporting events, and my family.
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This site was last updated 09/30/03

Grant Burnes Springfield IL,62703
Copyright © 2003 by [Grant Burnes]. All rights reserved.
Revised: 09/30/03 19:30:01 -0400.