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  I’m not going to bore you with all the little fru Fru you would see on a normal website, simply because this isn’t a normal website. . .

  I am Gnome! :P and this is my OFFICAL WEBSITE OF STUff!! I’d like to tell you more but I have an angry mobster holding a gun to my head, which means you’ll have to look in INTRODUCTIONS for Anything Further. . . The menu is to the left, if you hadn’t noticed by now you’re a dumbass (insult excludes people who are blind or actually a dumbass,

sorry ‘bout that), so go look around in the PICTURES to see how dead sexy I am >:), and perhaps my friends if they weren’t bitches & bastards, and would give me a frickin’ picture!!! **sigh** so, go. . . be free. . . GET! SCAT!! damn it Fuck Off!!!









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