Summer 2007
Vol. 15 No. 2
"In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous" - Aristotle

In this issue...

Reflections from the President

Earth Day

Spotted Gar Pike

Reflections on the Spring Chill


Nature Area Happenings

With Appreciation

From the Family Butterfly Book


Mark Your Calendar

Newletter Sponsor

Upcoming Events...

October 6
Bird Walk
Nature Area

October 20
Nature Hike

Bird Sanctuary

Nature Area Open
Saturday 10:00AM - 2:00PM
Thursday 6PM - 8PM until Oct 1
After Oct 1, the Nature Area is open only on Saturdays

Closed during inclement weather
Last Day Open - October 28

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A set of eight trees were planted on Conservancy property on Thorofare. These trees have been dedicated to the memory of:

Elsie Hoelzle
Richard Kuhn, Jr.
Mark J. Miller
Jeanne Jackson

Our appreciation is extended to the following donors for their gifts of "life":

Les Hoelzle
Jodi & Doug Hura
Patricia Miller
Jane Emmerich

Our Stewardship Chair, Fred Pepper, and his committee have been working hard to keep the trees hydrated through these warm "dog days" of summer.