Fall 2010
Vol. 18 No. 2
"Nature will bear the closest inspection. She invites us to lay our eye level with her smallest leaf, and take an insect view of its plain." - Henry David Thoreau

In this issue...

Reflections from the President

Hennepin Marsh Tire Clean Up

Past Conservationists of the Year Caught on Film Doing More Good Works

Summer Camp Visitors

Gray's Drive Pothole Project

Fall Update on the Intrepid Pond at Commerce Park

Local Organization and Venerable Giant Company Coopoerate on Grosse Ile Environmental Enhancement Project

In the News from Around the State & World Wide Web

Membership Renewal

GINLC Logo Items for Sale

Gibraltar Bay Unit & Nature Area Status

Memorials and Honors
Corporate and Major Sponsors

Earth Day

Land Acquisition

Board Update

New Board Members Needed

Upcoming Events...

Fall Property Clean-Up / Dump the Junk
Meet at Nature Area
East River Road
Saturday, October 16
9AM - Noon, 1-4PM
Sunday, October 17

Nature Area Reopens & Refuge-Gibraltar Bay Unit Ceremony
Saturday, October 23

Saturday November 6
Annual Membership Meeting
10:00AM - 11:30AM
Centennial Farm
Recreation Building
Continental Breakfast
Guest Speaker:
Marcy Sieggreen, Detroit Zoo
"SE MI Amphibians & the Grosse Ile Survey"

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Fall Update on the Intrepid Pond at Commerce Park
by Liz Hugel

A hearty thank you to everyone who came out over the summer months to assist in watering the trees, bushes and perennials at Intrepid Pond. Although we were lucky with a wet spring and early summer, the heat and drought of August was a stressful time for our new plants. We appreciated the water tank provided by the Airport Commerce Park, which, along with the hundreds of feet of water hose supplied by board member Ingo Hasserodt, made some of the watering a little easier. Quite a bit of watering was done the old fashioned way - by bucket and muscle using pond water. So many thanks to Ken Tilp, Keith Zook, Ron Schmaeman, Ingo and anyone else who helped out on those hot and thirsty days. And for the taxpayer who complained about the "eyesore" of the water tank, we can only request a little understanding, since it was just a very temporary situation for a little convenience for our hard-working, uncomplaining volunteers' efforts to ensure plant survival and some long-term natural beauty.

We also appreciate the efforts of Margarete Hasserodt who has started making plant identification signs for the perennial flowers and bushes. It will take a bit longer to complete the job and even longer for the plants to mature and fill in the empty spaces, but eventually visitors will be able to not only enjoy the beautiful plants but know their names. That information might be helpful in their own planning and planting at home.

To our dismay, the Eurasian milfoil returned to the pond with a vengeance this year. Perhaps it was because of the especially hot summer and no electricity at the site to run the water aeration system. Since the milfoil grows under a wide range of physical and water chemistry conditions it easily outcompeted the native plants. We are looking into milfoil treatment options for next year and hope that electricity can be supplied to the site again. If not, maybe we'll need to look into what it would take to run the system on solar power. Can YOU help with that? Let us know by sending an e-mail to the .