Fall 2009
Vol. 17 No. 2
"When we see land as a community to which we belong, we may begin to use it with love and respect." - Aldo Leopold

In this issue...

A Message from the President

Landscape Worth Considering

A Cool Summer

First Annual Nature and Wildlife Photo Contest

Stewardship Corner

Thank You Intrepid Pond Donors!

Protecting the Bushes & Trees at Intrepid Pond

News from Lansing

Membership Renewal

GINLC Logo Items for Sale

Nature Area/Gibraltar Bay Unit News

Memorials and Honors

Earth Day

Surf Over

Smart Growth on Grosse Ile Video

Upcoming Events...

Saturday November 7
Annual Membership Meeting
10:00AM - 11:30AM
Centennial Farm
Recreation Building
Continental Breakfast

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Update: Nature Area/Gibraltar Bay Unit of the Detroit River Refuge

After a year of being shut out from the Grosse Ile Nature Area we are pleased to let our friends and nature lovers know that we expect it to reopen in the not too distant future. John Hartig, Refuge Manager, reports that the long-standing regulatory issues have been resolved and that "all agencies are on board [USEPA, USAGE, MDEQ, USFWS]." We will meet in late October with the refuge and township management to discuss conditions for public use.

Progress is being made with the Visitor's Service Plan, to cover each of the refuge units. As described by Kristi Thiel at last year's annual meeting the plan encompasses the six wildlife dependent recreational uses that guide public use of refuge lands: hunting, fishing, wildlife observation, wildlife photography, environmental education, and interpretation. So far, public meetings have been held to discuss use for environmental education and hunting.