2006 Conservationist of the Year Award

Grosse Ile Nature & Land Conservancy President Doug Thiel presented Tom Luley with the Grosse Ile Conservationist of the Year Award at the organization's annual meeting. Photo by Jim Conley

Tom Luley, a Grosse Ile resident of 25 years was honored at the Grosse Ile Nature and Land Conservancy's annual meeting in November for his hard work and dedication in the conservation arena. Tom, who retired from the Ford Motor Company a few years ago, has been staying active by volunteering his time, energy and his carpentry skills to the local conservancy. He has constructed several observation platforms at the Grosse Ile Nature Area and has been involved with many other improvements there and around the island. His labor has led to a much more enjoyable experience for the many visitors to the Nature Area. Tom is always willing to give a hand, whether it's moving wood chips for Landscape for Learning projects at the schools or working with our local churches to organize a Faith & Environment Conference. Although it's now winter, Tom is not putting his feet up for a break. Instead he's building tree seedling boxes for the Nature Area along with Margarete Hasserodt, the 2005 Conservation Award honoree. It'll be a few more months before the trees start budding in the spring and the Grosse Ile Nature Area re-opens for the warm weather and visitors. In the meantime, more information about the Grosse Ile Nature & Land Conservancy can be found at their website: www.ginlc.org . Anyone interested in volunteering to help on conservation projects is encouraged to contact Liz Hugel at 734-552-8950, or send her an email at the .