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Val 1337 Ninja: only 1 day left Val 1337 Ninja: best hurry Val 1337 Ninja: k Val 1337 Ninja: brb Val 1337 Ninja: back James816AM: wooooo, im back James816AM: doorbell and guests.... James816AM: you know how it goes Val 1337 Ninja: ah Val 1337 Ninja: what else do you have to prepare for? James816AM: umm, i need to pack my laptop, gameboy, cd player, all that kinda crap James816AM: the carry stuff Val 1337 Ninja: oh at most im bringing my gba Val 1337 Ninja: they said that we wouldnt have much free time James816AM: plane trip... James816AM: lol James816AM: thatll be a good six hours James816AM: where do you live again? Val 1337 Ninja: oh Val 1337 Ninja: LA James816AM: well there ya go James816AM: im on the other side of the country Val 1337 Ninja: ive beaten my gba games, so i wont have much to do James816AM: how many games ya got? James816AM: youve been typing for awhile now... Val 1337 Ninja: hmm... i gave my dad like half of them to keep himself occupied while in the middle east, so about 3-4 Val 1337 Ninja: mabey 5 James816AM: hmm, how many do i have... James816AM: Val 1337 Ninja: eating a popsicle^_^ James816AM: umm, ok, lol James816AM: brb Val 1337 Ninja: k James816AM: and im back Val 1337 Ninja: k James816AM: arrrighty Val 1337 Ninja: what was that site you listed up there James816AM: my game collection Val 1337 Ninja: oh my internet acting up so... James816AM: i have 263 games :-) James816AM: minus that queer emoticon Val 1337 Ninja: hmph Val 1337 Ninja: ever played ssbm? James816AM: yup Val 1337 Ninja: whos your fav char? Val 1337 Ninja: mine used to be yoshi but he isnt that good anymore James816AM: i like zelda and samus James816AM: i used ness in the original ssb, but the controls are too loose to use his in ssbm Val 1337 Ninja: now its marth James816AM: i like marth, but everybody i know uses him Val 1337 Ninja: oh i also use samus, link, and falcon James816AM: if i had to pick one, id go with zelda Val 1337 Ninja: nearly forgot, did you see those sonic x's? James816AM: no, i never did, my computers been screwed up until today Val 1337 Ninja: ah Val 1337 Ninja: ever play pso James816AM: yeah, but not much James816AM: i never owned it James816AM: just played my cousins James816AM: on dc Val 1337 Ninja: oh, pretty fun game, but the only reason i play it anymore is becouse my cousins do Val 1337 Ninja: brb Val 1337 Ninja signed off at 10:22:30 PM. Val 1337 Ninja signed on at 10:22:34 PM. Val 1337 Ninja: hi James816AM: hellllo James816AM: computer trouble? Val 1337 Ninja: yep Val 1337 Ninja: oh the el portal thing only seems to work with cox and stuff James816AM: oh i see Val 1337 Ninja: who do you use in mvc2 James816AM: psylocke, ryu, and... rockman Val 1337 Ninja: used to use psylocke, dont know why i stopped though... Val 1337 Ninja: i use ken/sakura(/gambit when i want to iratate my friends becouse they know how much i hate him), cyclops, jin Val 1337 Ninja: you didnt like ff8 either? Val 1337 Ninja: and actually played virt boy? James816AM: yes... Val 1337 Ninja: i tried to play virt boy, but stopped when i feared burning my eyes out James816AM: i got used to it, lol James816AM: but it kinda hurt my neck Val 1337 Ninja: like playing things at wall mart James816AM: eh? Val 1337 Ninja: when you play at wall mart, the screens are practicly directly above your head James816AM: oh, true Val 1337 Ninja: ever want to do 3d graphics stuff? James816AM: umm, im more into 2d : ) James816AM: i make sprites for fun Val 1337 Ninja: oh well in any case, has a free 3d design learning kit thing Val 1337 Ninja: id tell you how it is, but i cant use it since i dont have xp James816AM: i just may check it out Val 1337 Ninja: sprites huh, ive edited some sprites to make them look like other chars. but ive never made any from scratch Val 1337 Ninja: what are your better ones? James816AM: random characters from anime etc James816AM: im on my crap computer right now, so i dont have any on hand Val 1337 Ninja: ah Val 1337 Ninja: k James816AM: yeah, most of em are just anime characters that i thought would be fun to make sprites for Val 1337 Ninja: i re-did a roy sprite to look like marth, its pretty good i think Val 1337 Ninja: i could show you it if you want James816AM: sure Val 1337 Ninja: alright hang on Val 1337 Ninja wants to send file marndarnin5.GIF. james816am received C:\Documents and Settings\James\My Documents\download\james816am\marndarnin5.GIF. James816AM: ooh, looks good Val 1337 Ninja: thanks, my fav is the ninja marth thing on the right James816AM: i dont know exactly which you are referring to.. James816AM: but they all look pretty good to me James816AM: except for the one with the marth head on roys body James816AM: lol Val 1337 Ninja: didnt finish it Val 1337 Ninja: on the right most sheet is a marth in all black with a red scarf anf the akuma symble on his chest James816AM: you mean TEN, looks like an ____ | /\ James816AM: right? James816AM: except not crappy James816AM: didnt line up quite right... Val 1337 Ninja: yeap James816AM: gotcha Val 1337 Ninja: tms is funny hehehe... Val 1337 Ninja: brb James816AM: k Val 1337 Ninja: b Val 1337 Ninja: who would win in a fight, goku or sephiroth? James816AM: oh cmon, thats not even fair James816AM: i hate to say it, but goku Val 1337 Ninja: think so? Val 1337 Ninja: dont forget, seph lost in a plot battle Val 1337 Ninja: he was once a god Val 1337 Ninja: ranma fought down a god, not goku James816AM: mmm, i still think goku Val 1337 Ninja: random question wasnt it James816AM: sure was Val 1337 Ninja: the tms im reading has that fight going on James816AM: ahh Val 1337 Ninja: ever read it? James816AM: nope Val 1337 Ninja: okay new qestion, goku vs urimeshi James816AM: is this yusuke urameshi? Val 1337 Ninja: yeah, i dont know how to spell it James816AM: umm, goku Val 1337 Ninja: any reasons? James816AM: umm James816AM: he is ridiculously powerful James816AM: and could kill everything and everyone Val 1337 Ninja: so could prof X James816AM: now THAT is random Val 1337 Ninja: alright next question Val 1337 Ninja: goku vs prof X James816AM: goku James816AM: cuz in the comics, prof x could never control people Val 1337 Ninja: ah James816AM: not really sure how that worked in the movie... James816AM: and i never saw xmen 2 Val 1337 Ninja: or the show Val 1337 Ninja: x 2 prof nearly destroyed the world Val 1337 Ninja: alright heres a big one goku vs. onslaught James816AM: goku Val 1337 Ninja: what? Val 1337 Ninja: onslaught imortal! James816AM: goku can kill everything, everybody Val 1337 Ninja: he's IMORTAL James816AM: aww so what Val 1337 Ninja: as in cant die James816AM: there is SOME way to kill him, especially when youre goku Val 1337 Ninja: and goku doesnt have enough brains to find a way to split X and magneto James816AM: even so, goku is WAY too powerful to even be a fun character Val 1337 Ninja: onslaught cant die! James816AM: goku would pull onslaughts brain out of his head Val 1337 Ninja: just thought of something Val 1337 Ninja: goku strong in his universe Val 1337 Ninja: like how the street fighters are on leveled playing fields with the x men James816AM: sure Val 1337 Ninja: goku strenght would be balanced out with the universe hes in James816AM: but can anybody in street fighter blow up a planet in a matter of seconds without even working up a sweat? Val 1337 Ninja: they would adapt to the power changes of goku's universe like they did the x men Val 1337 Ninja: 's James816AM: but the xmen are already pretty much even with the SF characters Val 1337 Ninja: ever played children of the atom? James816AM: yes James816AM: on saturn James816AM: and arcade Val 1337 Ninja: okay then Val 1337 Ninja: before xmen vs sf, the sf'ers were still throwing sf 2 fireballs Val 1337 Ninja: once their universe collided with xmens Val 1337 Ninja: they became 100fold stronger James816AM: now thats just better graphics James816AM: the hadoukens, etc look better because theyve moved from 16-bit to 32-bit Val 1337 Ninja: and BIGGER Val 1337 Ninja: and ryu couldnt jump 100 ft in the air in sf James816AM: just to make em look cooler Val 1337 Ninja: okay then, James816AM: thats just the different fighting system Val 1337 Ninja: ryu and co.s fighting system and cool factor would improve to adapt to gokus universe James816AM: ummm Val 1337 Ninja: hehehe James816AM: goku and co. would own the hell outta SF characters James816AM: were speaking domination Val 1337 Ninja: admit it Val 1337 Ninja: you ran out of good reasons James816AM: i dont need good reasons James816AM: your argument... sucks, no offense Val 1337 Ninja: just say it, i win