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Welcome To the G&G Website!!

This website will be packed-full of links, games help, guild help, competitions and LOTS soon as the other guild members help me with it. We do have a few sections at the moment, which are located on the bottom coloumn, but they are just a tiny preview of what's to come.

So, you've seen the guild, you're looking at the website, and youre browsing through the stuff, but what is G&G really about??
Well the G&G Guild was based upon a friendhip between guild leaders Spike_Luva_1 and Brainycherry. They're nicknames were Gadget(spikeluva) and Gismo (BrainyCherry). This guild was a shrine to them, but then they got their friends and family envolved, so it became a guild dedicated to friendship.

So, why should YOU join the G&G? Well thats easy. If you like having a bunch of good friends, weekly competitions, amazing facts and a great layout, then you should join! If you don't...well thankyou for coming, but this guild really isnt of any good for you.
