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Fyre Hawk

My Homepage!

I know that this page has a long title, but if I get enough traffic coming through here, I may just go ahead and buy an actual domain name.

I'm also not messing with too much HTML at the moment so don't expect any fancy frames or flashy icons just yet. Again, the more traffic I get in here, the more fancy and flashy I'll make it.

I may have this page up, but believe me, It's far from done. If I left anyone out on the bottom section, dont worry...I'll have you in there soon enogh.


UPDATE So I'm going to be putting a Rants section up where I can just sit at home and complain about anything and everything that pisses me off in life. Sound boring? Well, it'll be good for a few laughs every now and again, I can promise you that. With any luck, I'll even be able to archive them for you as well.

Lets get started: I'm 5'7", maybe 5'8". I have short brown hair with a blonde frost to it, and yes it's spiked.Umm....My eyes change color so dont ask what color they are. I LOVE to write and I am in the middle of writig my own sci-fi novel.

Name:Jay, John, Some people call me Hawk, maybe even Fenix...take your pick.

Likes:Ya sure you wanna know? ok then...Football, football, football. Happy? Seriously though. I love sports. I love to play them or watch them. I also like writing stories as I said before. I also party every now and again as well. (That was a great week!). My music also takes priority above most things. It's soothes my Irishness I guess.

People: This is the part where I say something about the people that are the closest to me. If your not up here, eventually you will be.

Brandon: (that was a great week)The of my closest friends. We've been through alot of stuff together, most of it we were knee deep in shyt. Stay loyal (Wow, what a concept,eh?) and tell whoever is on the phone not to sneeze, I know their there.

DAK: The biggest friggin person I know (Damn, there goes dinner) Been a tough few seasons in the leauge what with the split up of our one team into two. I promise I'll come out of retirement and play again...

Katie: Sure, your my sister and all, but no where does that say you have to be secluding yourself from me. You pissed me off, remember? You'd best be the one to pick the phone up first.

Amanada: Ya know I love ya! You need to keep in touch more often though. I know your life is hectic and all, but make time for me, eh?((What is it up to now for me? 5? lol!)

Jacob Gonna miss you when you go into the NAVY. (shamless plug) You'd better stay in touch, and lemme know when you wanna go cruisin down the beach showing off the car :)

Ivan: Becareful over sea's, bro. If anything happened to you I dont know what I'd do. You'd better come home. I'll be praying for ya, bro.

Kristen N.: I'd have to say your one of the few ex's I have that people still talk to. Try to hold it together while Ivan is over sea's. If ya need to talk to anyone, you know I'm always around somewhere.