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Kiaborwolf's Pet Page

Take a closer look he's not a lupe he's actually a fire wolf. He was born next to the mountains in the wilderness amoung normal wolves. Kiaborwolf was different in several ways. First of all he is shorter than a wolf nearly just half the size of a normal wolf.

  • Name-Kiaborwolf
  • Species-Fire wolf
  • Color-Fire
  • Age-Eternity, he'll be around forever wether you like it or not.
  • Eyes-red
  • Level,health,strength,ect...-always getting better so there is no need to tell you.
  • Abilities-Thats for me to know and for you to find out in a battle!

    Special Features
  • Fire wolf, the master of flame
  • Has the ability to transform his flame colored fur into real flames
  • Sprouts black angel wings at will
  • Has cat like retractable claws
  • Can sense whats going to happen a short period away in the future
  • Short for a wolf *sniff* but mid sized for a lupe.

    Kiaborwolf's Story

    My ears pointed forward, the first sounds I heard were the birds. There was no one around but my mom, I was the only pup in the liter. I opened my eyes right after I was born and heard my mom give out a yelp of surprise, wolves weren't suppose to be able to see right after they were born. So she gave me ther name Kiaborwolf which means strange wolf in my language but I like to think of it as special wolf.

    At birth I was pure black, black was always a divine color for a wolf. But at a year of age my differences began to appear.Flaming fur appeared on my head,legs,and tail. My mother told me it was nothing to worry about beacause there are different types of wolves like the legendary werewolf. But as time went on more and more changes occured. Once I was being teased by my pack for being half sized, well I got angry and the flames on my fur sprung to life and set the grass on fire. I didn't mean to hurt anyone, even when I wanted to at the moment. I honored life ever since I was born, I don't hurt anyone unless they hurt me first, and I never let my enemies escape. That belief gave me many problems. I refused to join hunts because the prey never did anything to deserve to be eaten. But I guess that's something I would never understand since I didn't need to eat.

    Mom believes I'm the recarnation of the fire spirit, she's probaly just joking...or is she. When I looked at her with my piercing red eyes and sensed that she wasn't lying but she probaly didn't know that so I didn't say anything. Now, instead of being made fun of by my pack they fear me. I spent most of my time alone climbing the mountains so the other wolves wouldn't follow me since I had retractable claws and large paws like a cat. Later on I was a loner for real, I out lived my pack and lived a life hiding in the shadows because in life everything wanted to run away from me or attack me. I couldn't find my purpose and I even began to doubt if I had one but I was determined. Everyone has a purpose in life. For the next few years instinct lead me but it felt like I was searching for a door that never existed. The sun had set hours ago and for some reason I wasn't tired. I breathed in the vapor filled, pine smelling air and streched across the mud caked earth and decided that I should keep going. Than I had a strong feeling that someone was watchin me, but this someone can actually help me. I turned around and began walking toward it, suddenly it fled so quickly it almost felt as if it had dissapeared. I chased after it spreading my toes to lengthen my stride, and my claws so I wouldn't slip. It was becoming dark, so I quickly brought my flaming fur to life. The fire colored fur flickered and illuminated my surroundings. Even as I ran with all my strenghth I was careful not to set anything on fire. I had no idea how long this chase went on but before I knew it I was soaring through the skies higher than I ever did before back in my years of wandering. I beat my black angel like winges slower and slower until I came to a stop and landed on the ground. To my shock that presense was behind me. I did not dare to move because whatever it is it's royalty. She was a fairy and she asked me what I was doing here and I said that I did not know. Lights flashed before my eyes and I was reborn in Neopia as the pet of an owner who was more like a friend. What had happened was a mystery but I heard of fairies doing favors when they are caught and released. The thing that was important was that no one in Neopia regarded me as strange since they all had different abilities and looks. Kyria told me that I resembled a fire lupe so that is the species I go by, and heck! They're around my size too!!!