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Join us in Memphis in September as we piece together the elements of great community involvement in your Faith in Action program! Topics covered will include creating community ownership in your program, how to effectively use the media, and a sneak peek at the wonderful new Connect Project! As always, the meeting is free to all current Faith in Action programs (if you got this letter, then you are one!) I look forward to seeing you there!

The Details:

When: Saturday, September 13, 2003

Time: 9:30am--3:30pm (there will be a break for lunch)

Where: The meeting is being hosted by MIFA (Metropolitan Inter-Faith Association).   MIFA is located at 910 Vance Avenue in Memphis, TN.

How to Register: There are several ways to register, You can print the bottom  part of this page and mail it to Teresa Stafford, 386 Coventry Dr, Nashville, TN  37211 or fax it to me at (615)259-4849 ATTN: Teresa. You can also call me at
1-877-615-9214 or email  fiamentortn @NOSPAM (remove the NO SPAM part)!

What to Bring: Open minds, caring hearts and a willingness to have fun while learning! In  addition, each program should bring something to share--a newsletter, newspaper  article, photograph, screen shot from a website--anything that       showcases your program! I will be gathering these to share with the FIA National  Office, so even if your program cannot send someone to the meeting it would be great if you could send something to me!

Registration Form

Name (s) of Attendees : ________________________________________________   

Program Name:______________________________________________________

Phone:      ________________________  Fax:______________________________


E-mail Address:______________________________________________________