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Falcon Sight

Torturous Things Woman Have to go Through/ Put up With

My Favorite Web Sites

Angelfire - Free Home Pages
Kick Ass Quotes/Poems
More Kick Ass Quotes/Poems
First Science
Suncrest Middle School
Kewl Celtic Jewelry(if u like that stuff)
AsTrOlOgY sTuFf(again, if u like that kinda stuff)
VIRGO STUFF(if ur like me! lol)

Hola amigos! This used to have a story on it, but I decided to change that because it doesn't work with the format of this site. So, I've decided 2 put a bunch of random shit on here that is really useless. I warn u: this site is best viewed if ur REALLY damn bored b/c otherwise u will find no entertainment in it what-so-ever. Ok, now I'm gonna tell all of whats on here so u don't read the 1st part go "fuck this! It's boring" and leave. 1st-there's poetry. My poetry. Don't read it. It's a bunch of crap. So, again, I repeat do NOT read it if u love me. 2nd- there's a thingy for friends(which has nothing-as of yet) with a bunch of links 2 amusing websites and/or jokes. 3rd- a dumbass journal thing. Don't read that either. U don't want 2 read about my pathetic life-trust me. 4th- a sad assed picture gallery(I'll try 2 change it up, but I suck @ that stuff! So give me a break!!) 5th- GAMES!!!! Yay! Be happy! There IS something mildy entertaining on this website after all!!! So, now go off n2 the world of my web page! Dance, explore, jack off, do w/e the hell u wanna do, etc! BWA HA HA HA and I've G2G hoe! Much luv, MAD <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> MY POETRY <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Love- "Love is loss And loss is love, Yet don’t confuse the naught. For the less you love The more you lose, And lose you will a lot." <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Poem- "What is a poem?" I wonder aloud Whilst gazing serenely Up at the clouds. "Its music" says I, But the wind contradicts. "It sings not like the birds" And cuts me to the quick. "Perhaps, then, it's laughter" Say I with a sigh. "No, no!" says the earth. "It's what makes us cry." I sat there and pondered On what it could be And when I spoke plainly Still they contradicted me. "You're wrong!" said I Suddenly all-knowing. "You are all wrong I shall tell you what makes a poem! It’s emotion and feeling" I say with conviction "It blood, sweat, and tears. It's full contradiction. It's music, it's wind, It’s the feel of the sea It’s all a part of you And all a part of me. It's laughter, it's sunshine It’s time ever-going. It's the light in your hair And the earth-ever-knowing. It's here, it's there, It’s past, future and present, It's a mingling of pain and something pleasant. It spans from the trees To the river that's flowing That, my dear friend Is what makes a poem." <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Angel- "Angel, angel in the light, catch a falling star tonight. Let it rest upon your brow, before it falls back to the ground. There it shall sprout love and fear, slinking slowly till its near. When, perhaps, it leaves the ground, it will ever come around? Does it fill you with a fright, Of the creatures of the night? Will they ever find it too, Or shall it parish from their view?" <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Dark- "Shades of dark wash over me, like a breeze upon a tree. Slowly it consumes me, Fills my lungs so I can't breath. Thoughts of hatred, sin, and love, Traveling from a place above. Washes through me, then back down, Almost like escaping town. Nowhere you can go or hide, From the darkness that's inside." <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Darkened Lullaby- "Moon, so bright up in the sky, Lays its rays down as we die; Lifts our souls up and they fly Towards the goddess of the sky. Watch the darkness drifting by, Covering the brightened sky. Now, it's time to say goodbye To this, my darkened lullaby." <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Feel- "Stop for a second And just feel The way that time Feels so surreal. It leaves you fiending For something more. But will it leave you With more than before? Tell me, in the end What will I have? Will I be happy? Or perhaps just sad? There's no way to really tell The best thing to do Is let yourself feel." <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Light- "Ray of light as soft as silk spreads it's length out on my floor. Uncovering my truths and lies, like water spreading on the floor. Why this pain and hurt inside? I sit down and wonder why I hurt you and tell you lies. But I can't help the things I do, the way I am or you are too. So if I hurt you, know the truth, that I never meant to do that to you." <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Mirror, Mirror- "Mirror, mirror in thine eyes, Look upon thou heavenly skies. From the black upon the feilds, To the rays the sunlight weilds. From the seas thou tempest tossed, To the kingdom that was lost. To the edge and back again, mirror, mirror is my friend." <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Shadows- "Hushed whispers surround me, engulfing my spirit evermore. The shadows creep in through the night, like moonlight on a wooded floor. With every breath I deeply take, my very soul is now at stake. I pray that in this hollowed hour, a light shall form upon a tower. A becon in the night to me, to guide me from the night to thee." <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Time- "No one knows more so than I that time doth quickly fleeting fly. Without a trace it leaves us here upon the wings of dusk drawing near. Crying tears of future and present Mingling with memories so pleasant. But one can not live in the past or time shall leave us standing fast. Just remember what brought you here before the end doth leave you there." <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Ocean- "Slowly, I walk down the baren sand. The smell of salt so strong to me. It fills my nose, and I can't breath. Now standing on the waters edge. The salty water grazes my ankles. As it escapes back to the vast mass of clear blue, I feel as if everything is falling beneath me. I close my eyes. I want to fall, but what of the shore? Shall I flee away, or close my eyes? All is unknown. Suddenly, an angel comes. "Do not what is easier!" cries she. "Walk back to shore! Though it is harder, it has greater rewards." Suddenly I open my eyes. Far from the shore am I! I push forward through the rough tide, slowly and painfully. It would be easier to die. But the Angel told me what to do. So I head her words, and head to shore. Finally I reach it. No longer is the sky so bleak, or the shore so dark and cold. The sun shines bright, and all is well. I thank the Angel. She has done me well." <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> I, personally, think my poetry sux major ass, but other ppl seem 2 like it. IDK. Maybe I'm overly critical. Then again, maybe it just sounds good b/c society has gone to hell grammatically and nething would sound good... Most likely. Newayz. Well chittlins, I've G2G. Luv ya, MAD <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> HOLA AMIGOS!!!!!

HoLa BaBeS!!!
Home | Kewl Questions | Hobbit Joke | Redneck Jokes | UGLY PEOPLE!!!!!!

2 my friends out there....... Hey ppls! This part of my site is dedicated soley to my friends. Since some of them don't have a site(yet) I thought I'd just.... let them use part of mine! lol! So here ya go amigos! Tell me what 2 put 4 ya(*cough*anya*cough*)!!!


(Ignore the "safety" thing, k?) Ok, as for the above links- click them. Say it with me now, "CLICK THEM"!!! They're there 4 ur amusement(not like that u sickass pervs!)! If ur bored, lookin 4 a laugh, and maybe some action(tho ur hopefully not THAT desperate) click on the links!!!! I'll even give u steps on how 2 do that! Step 1-move mouse with arm to link. Step 2-use index finger on right hand 2 push down on the lil button thing on the mouse while still on the link. THERE U HAVE IT!!! Now go! Fly! Be free! Take your new found knowledge and click away!

;) Tuesday, August 5th

Hola! I'm sooo f***ing BORED!!!!!! I blurred that out 4 all u G-rated ppl out there. lol. Newayz. I'm bored off my ass, and I'm in trouble. Y??? b/c PJ didn't do ALL the dishes, but told me he did. And since I'm 15(ok, I'll be 15 in September, but it's close enough!) I should have gone back 2 double-check. So now my rents r royaly pissed @ me, and my dad grounded me from the bass 4 a week *cough*ass*cough* Maybe I need some cough syrup..... Newho. I don't know what else 2 write bout, so I'll just leave it @ that. Luv ya, MAD

;) 2 be continued....

2 be continued.................

Journal of ME!!!

;) The Journal of ME!!!
The most distrubed/ boring journal on Earth(and most likely beyond)!

;) Tuesday, August 5th

Hola! I'm sooo f***ing BORED!!!!!! I blurred that out 4 all u G-rated ppl out there. lol. Newayz. I'm bored off my ass, and I'm in trouble. Y??? b/c PJ didn't do ALL the dishes, but told me he did. And since I'm 15(ok, I'll be 15 in September, but it's close enough!) I should have gone back 2 double-check. So now my rents r royaly pissed @ me, and my dad grounded me from the bass 4 a week *cough*ass*cough* Maybe I need some cough syrup..... Newho. I don't know what else 2 write bout, so I'll just leave it @ that. Luv ya, MAD

;) 2 be continued....

2 be continued.................

<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> MY PIX GALLERY <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> my gallery

my gallery

I LOVE KOKOPELLI!!!! He KIX!!!!!!!!!!!!!
my gallery

I LOVE KOKOPELLI!!!! He KIX!!!!!!!!!!!!!
my gallery

I LOVE KOKOPELLI!!!! He KIX!!!!!!!!!!!!!
my gallery

I LOVE KOKOPELLI!!!! He KIX!!!!!!!!!!!!!
my gallery

I LOVE KOKOPELLI!!!! He KIX!!!!!!!!!!!!!
my gallery

I LOVE KOKOPELLI!!!! He KIX!!!!!!!!!!!!!
my gallery

I LOVE KOKOPELLI!!!! He KIX!!!!!!!!!!!!!
my gallery

I LOVE KOKOPELLI!!!! He KIX!!!!!!!!!!!!!
my gallery

I LOVE KOKOPELLI!!!! He KIX!!!!!!!!!!!!!
my gallery

I LOVE KOKOPELLI!!!! He KIX!!!!!!!!!!!!!
my gallery

I LOVE KOKOPELLI!!!! He KIX!!!!!!!!!!!!!
my gallery

I LOVE KOKOPELLI!!!! He KIX!!!!!!!!!!!!!
my gallery

I LOVE KOKOPELLI!!!! He KIX!!!!!!!!!!!!!
my gallery

I LOVE KOKOPELLI!!!! He KIX!!!!!!!!!!!!!
my gallery

my gallery

my gallery

I LOVE KOKOPELLI!!!! He KIX!!!!!!!!!!!!!
«, a Great Place to work!

Long Live Punk!

SubProfile: Click to Continue
(Updated: 08/06/03)
Purity Test
Personality Test
Freak Test
IQ Test

Entertainment News
Movie Reviews
Offbeat News

Pasta or Opera Composer?
Yo-Yo Trick or Masturbation Term?
Vice President or Pokemon?

Magic Smiley Trick
Keep an Idiot Occupied



If you were sadly(yet predictably) NOT entertained by nething above, then u have finally(and/or hopefully) come 2 the right place!!! So rejoice! Make merry!!!!.

Now, in case u haven't read nething above and just skipped 2 here(and I wouldn't blame u) then u might not know what 2 do. So, I shall again repeat the steps on how to click a link! Step 1-move mouse with arm to link. Step 2-use index finger on right hand 2 push down on the lil button thing on the mouse while still on the link.

So, now that u have that valuable *cough*not*cough* information, commence 2 clicking!

And if u rn't gonna click then a)y the hell r u reading this, b)y the FUCK r u on my web page!?!?! GET OFF!!!!!

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