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My name is FalconBravo. I will describe myself elsewhere in more detail, but for right now, I will say that I am an 18 year old male in the United States of America.

This is my official rant page. There are several topics, which I will list below, that I feel need to be addressed. I don't care if I get the credit for it, necessarily, but I do believe that the subjects need to be resolved and they need to be open to the public. And so, I dedicate this, and all related pages, to the men, women, groups, committees, and associations that are working for the betterment of society. I hasten to add that this does NOT include other groups like the PETA, all political organizations, the government (I have several special sections for them, you'll note), foreign powers, and so forth. If you get to know this site, you will get to know me better, and will therefore learn whom I appreciate, and whom I despise.

(Please excuse the fact that most of these pages are still in progress. More information will be added as time allows)

A lecture on the lack of respect for America by its citizens.

A lecture on the benefits of a Socialist socioeconomic system in modern America

Unless otherwise noted, all information and opinions on this website are my property and my personal views. They do not represent the views of my friends, family, coworkers, companions, or associates. I take full responsibility for all offense garnered by this site, but I would like to point out that you WILL be offended at some point by this site; if you can't hack that, leave now. This website will not be for the faint of heart, the weak of mind, the careless of spirit, or the losers of our world. If you decide to read what I write, I congratulate you: you are among the minority who are willing to accept the imperfections of the world.