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Welcome to the Faerieland of Freedom Web Page

This page is currently under construction which due to the nature of web pages will be never ending :)

I am Falandial, the guild leader, and I am here to tell you a little about what you can find in this site at this time.

We run an Auction every week, Member of the fortnight and random competitions.

We also have three guild shops available for you to donate to, or browse through.


For those people who are not already in the guild, but are interested in joining this friendly and welcoming guild,  we do give a newbie pack to all new members. The current newbie packs contain :-

* 4 Jellies

* 1 Bottled Faerie

There are some rules to getting you newbie packs though...

1. You can only have one newbie pack
2. You only get the pack after you have been in the guild for at least 1 week

For those of you in the guild that have not yet had your newbie pack,  you can get your newbie packs from faerie_land_of_freed. Please go to his look-up and view the trades, here you will see the newbie packs. Bid a 1np item, and then you will get your newbie packs when the trade is accepted, but only as long as you meet the above conditions.



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