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Eurocon X; Turku, Finland - saturday 8/2 2003

Baltic_herring, TK-1, TK-46_Duke and Chickadee were the JC people who could be seen in Eurocon. Since I am Chickadee, I couldn't (luckily) take a pic of myself, and you will see pics of only Herring, TK-1 and Duke.

Turku Doom Church which is quite near the Turku university, in which Finncon was held.

Casagrande is a toy store in which I bought a lot of SW toys before we went to Finncon area.

Darth Sidious Unleashed.

The yard of the university.

Imperial logo.

Millennium Falcon (45 €), which I wanted to buy, but didn't.

The section of Finnish SW fan clubs; FFFinland, Pilvikaupunki (="Cloud City"), Nordic Garrison and SWTK. The one with a red and white shirt is TK-46_Duke; Pilvikaupunki's boss and FFFinland CR.

Queen Amidala statue.


The table of SW fan clubs.

Crowd at the Eurocon.

The section of Danish shop, Hairy Fairy (, which is specialised in SW products.

Some papers which tell about the meeting of SW fan club Pilvikaupunki. "Star Fame" is everybody's favourite fan film, and this time we saw its sequel, too!

Baltic_herring as snowtrooper. Herring said just a few days ago that he will probably leave TFN because of all the technical errors in TFN forums.

Baltic_herring in snowtrooper outfit.

The section of SW fan clubs. On the background is TK-1 who was dressed as an Imperial Officer, but I couldn't get a picture of him.

The banner of 501st Legion. The Unicef poster is on the wall, too, since Pilvikaupunki donates to Unicef some of the money they got in Finncon.

Baltic_herring with a FF Europe T-shirt.

The yard of Finncon.

Baltic_herring, TK-46_Duke and a technical support man before the meeting of Pilvikaupunki.

Because of technical difficulties in the meeting, Steve Sansweet from Lucasfilm was asked to come in the meeting room and answer our questions until they got the problems fixed.

Sansweet was asked, what species Yoda actually is ("Lucas will probably never tell"), and who is Sansweet's favourite EU character ("Grand Admiral Thrawn").

Steve Sansweet.

Listening to Sansweet.

Proof number 1 that SW galaxy in fact exists; a short transimmion " and technical crew for the forest moon..."

One of the members of another SW fan club, Tähtiallianssi ("Star Alliance"), is telling about Star Wars and mythologies of the wars.

Picture taken from the second floor.

Picture in stairs.

The same thing again.

Imperial officer and snowtrooper suit.

Imperial officer and snowtrooper from a slightly different angle.

Hairy Fairy's section.

"From lightsabres to longswords" is about to begin.

The men are fighting with swords. Notice the "I have a bad feeling about this" -T shirt.

People watching the sword fights.

The entrance to Finncon.

I love comics; that's why I took this pic of comic shop Makedonia's items.

Spock and a ventilator in Makedonia's section.

The Falcon toy which I wanted.

Baltic_herring. TK-46_Duke's ear can be seen, too.

TK-46_Duke on the left.

A Pilvikaupunki member called Starlighty on the left and TK-46_Duke on the right.

Back at the Turku Doom Church. It's a majestic building.

(Almost) everything I and my friend bought in Finncon and Turku's shops.