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  Multicultural Information

Multicultural counseling is a topic that is rapidly emerging as a very important issue. As time goes by many schools are requiring counselors to be to take classes in multicultural issues. It is important to be aware of and understand other people's cultural backgrounds if a counselor is planning on working with clients from other cultures.

People from a culture which is different then your own have their own beliefs, customs, and mannerisms. It is important that a counselor is aware of these differences so that they can effectively counsel a client. For example, it is possible to conclude a client is schizophrenic simply because they claim to hallucinate.  In many cultures this is not considered sign of mental instability and is widely accepted. When meeting a client for the first time, it's also extremely important to understand what the culture's standards are for eye contact, hand shakes, female/male relationships and many other variables. The links on this page will help you to better understand people from other cultures.

Multicultural Counseling Topics

What does it mean to be a multicultural counselor?

Should a counselor be multicultural?

How can a counselor avoid being racist?

How can a counselor break through misperceptions and end the stereotypes?

How can a counselor have a positive counselor/client relationship with a client from another cultural background?

Click on the Following Links to Learn More!

Fighting Misperceptions and Stereotypes
Links and Resources
Student Activities