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Millions of people will wake up tomorrow morning and  will take their hand full of hope, their handful of tablets and pills. The question is are they doing your body any good? and how do you know?
If we look at nutritional supplements on the market today well find that a vast majority of them are in a form that is exactly opposite of what you body wants
and needs.
The nutritional research team at Eniva look to nature's blueprints for answers!
How was it that we were made to take nutrition into our body's?
    Minerals are found in the soil and earth as rocks! So how do we get rocks in to our body's for nutrition? When you look at nature, such as the organisms in the soil the fungi's, bacteria, solar radiation, water, The hairs on the roots of plants, they take in these minerals in a water soluble form right in the the plant! remember the plant is a living organism it needs to have nutrients in a water soluble form in order for the plant to use it. Water is the basics for all nutritional delivery systems for all forms of life. Then the plan was for humans to take a plant such as a watermelon or and apple, and eat it, and our body's then would take in the nutrients. Once in the body the body has the task of sorting the the minerals. The body has to make sure the minerals are in the right form, the minerals must be small enough to pass in and out of cells if there are not that small then the are more or less useless to the body, a bio available mineral is in the right form for the body to use.
If the answer is yes then the body will be healthier!
This is what ENIVA does! They research and have developed nutritional supplements that are water soluble and bio available providing maximum absorption and benefits to our body's!
ENIVA has called it Solutomic!
It is when the body
goes out of balance that
disease sets in. Specifically,
an excess or deficiency of
minerals can create a
disruption in healthy
bodyfunction. It is not
simply what is put into
the body that affects
heath,but in what form
and in what balance.